This Week in Wood — Third Issue

Josh Lee
This Week in Wood


5 things worth your time.

Hi, this is a weekly series where I pick 5 things about wood or craft that are worth your time. These are things that are really helping me in my search to get better at working with my hands.

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The Making Of A Blakemar Briar Tobacco Pipe

Man I could watch this ALL-DAY-LONG.

How to make outdoor concrete and wood bench

Ben Uyeda walks you through a really cool bench that marries concrete and wood very elegantly. 10/10 would watch again.

Super cool folding tables

Izzy Swan shows three different types of folding tables he made and goe in depth on the one I like the most, the #2 table. I really like his videos because there is no pretence, everything is honest and out there with no fluffery.

Make a Copper & Wood Ring

Turn everyday stuff into something cool, that’s what this is all about right?

How to make a beer mug

I really like the idea of making mugs out of wood. David Picciuto (aka “The Drunken Woodworker”) does a really good job showing the process. He doesn’t explain much in the video which allows you to just sit back and zen out to it ☺ but then when you want to make it he has a nice little tutorial on how here.

