Olakpa Avwerosuo
Published in
4 min readSep 7, 2017


It has become a common statement these days and it’s believed to have erupted from the popular Jay-z’s song where he says “Since I made it here, I can make it anywhere.” What a bold declaration that emphasizes the innate ability for man to adapt and make out of “situation” a life for himself. I think in that song, Jay-Z must have been referring to making it in Rudigo.


Is it because Rudigo trains software developers?

Is it because Rudigo, as a talent accelerator, trains them in just 6 months?

Perhaps, but it is mainly because students are trained through fervent practice — our training is rooted in real life PROBLEMS. Rudigo will make you practise till you become a voice in that area of software development. Most people don’t like the idea of practice (or at least practicing for a long time like 6 months) or else tell me why are the gyms not crowded in June like they were in January, when people make all sorts of resolutions, though people desire to look fit and generally raise their energy level? So if you could survive this 6 months whether as a Local student (who are with us, in our office all through their programme, 9am — 5pm from Monday through Friday) or a Remote student (who are not with us at the office except on Fridays, 9am — 5pm during their programme), you would survive a world that needs practice to be perfect — you would survive the world we live in.

The six months is split in two. oohhh, don’t go feeling awful. We split to give you better value. The first three months are typically for tutoring and the second are for working on actual clients’ projects. A problem with a fresh developer that may hinder growth and exposure is getting good jobs (freelance or otherwise) from clients as a newbie because clients demand to know your portfolio as a developer. we help you build one as a student. Most newbie don’t have this in the shelf. We give you the oppourtunity of having references that gives credibility to you as regards what you can do.

Also, application of our recruitment is done online. It was Bill Gates who said that if your business is not on the internet, in this era, you will be out of business. We take you through the “process” of using our online system with the intent of having our applicants to be at least part-takers of the online “tingle” because we want YOU to master this tool that makes the top billionaires of the world salivate. We really want you to stand out even with evolving technologies right from day one. After your application, we do selection and then communicate to both parties: the successful applicant eligible to come for the interview and the unsuccessful ones are wished best of luck and encouraged to reapply again (when the oppourtunity comes),if still interested in achieving great feat together with us (Rudigo). We recruit the passionate applicants, determined, keen on learning, having good team-work spirit and adaptability in the working environment (we provide) to better improve lives and impact society and (of course) make money as well.

Rudigo group photo

There’s something about an environment that makes it becomes the ‘yard-stick’ that prompts the make-it-here, make-it-everywhere phrases by Jay-Z. To be that yard-stick environment, we provide a condition that best favours our student ‘s growth. We provide the conditions that makes visitors and clients hold our hands while we shake in an exchange of pleasantries. While they may think they are the ones holding our hands in the dealings of that moment, we hold them in our hearts in the belief that we are here to always serve them in every capacity we can. Our students are being taught in the same manner to respect people no matter their culture, race, age, gender, political allegiance and all. That they are here to make a difference in the time they have and with the skill they intend to possess by being part of us. So every Friday in Rudigo, we play. The week in Rudigo actually begins on Fridays; actually it begins and ends on Fridays.

What happens on Fridays? The Students come with the elated countenance to enjoy the idea of laughter and play, social interaction etcetera. Their materials for the self-tutoring system we run is given to them around 5pm, they have a code evangelist(s) come around by 3Pm to preach the “world of coding,” done by people who have been there and done that. They have reviewers (external experts), come by 11 am, check how well they’ve “grinned” based on the weekly task given them for the week that is ending and the remaining time before this, which begins at 9am is usually for fun and inter-bonding. For the day we have induction (which holds only on Fridays as well), we put it in the Friday schedule. We’ve learnt to create an environment where code works and coders rock — where if you can make it through, you can make a DIFFERENCE any where too!

