Large Scale Jenga with No Winner

Thomas Kurchinsky
Thomas Kurchinsky
Published in
2 min readFeb 22, 2019

I normally like to check in on the Civil Engineering companies I’m interested. It allows me to see how the field is changing while I progress towards my degree. Langan Engineering, located in Doylestown, has always interested me, regardless of whether I’m employed by them in the future. They have offices all around the United States, so sometimes I miss an interesting project posted by them on LinkedIn, but luckily, I didn’t miss a recent post of theirs.

Over the last few years architecture has become more interesting to me. Yes, even though I’ve been told “Structural Engineers and Architects don’t get along”, I’m still interested in how they can transform the perception of a structure. As I was saying, architecture and its form has become almost abstract in nature. By that, I mean the common building is no longer simply just a box. One of the more interesting structures I remember seeing while passing Temple on the train as a child, was The View. It’s design and shape were not ordinary by any means. A recent project has again captured my interest just as it did back in the day.

Langan shared an article about their involvement on a project in Tampa, Florida. An office tower (initially you may be thinking “boring”, but surprisingly no) located at 400 Channelside Drive is to be constructed in the Water Street Tampa neighborhood. The structure is supposedly 19 stories tall and offers 500 square feet of floor space according to the building’s website. Although my blogs tend to lean on the more technical side, this blog is more of an appreciation post for the structure. It’s nice to see the all familiar dull office building change its form.

