Leo Xie
Thor Network Blog
Published in
1 min readOct 19, 2018


Thorswap launched a new Web 1.2.0 today!

Thorswap launched a new Web 1.2.0 today that supports coin exchanges in more than 6 languages ​​via standard modes. http://www.thorswap.com Affiliate program starts now. Email <info@thornetwork.org> to become a partner and share benefits now!

The Thor Swap affiliate program is offered to those websites, digital wallets, dApps and Apps that integrate with our API or other tools.

For those integrators, we will provide competitive affiliate payout/commission based on the total amount of volume in BTC or stable coins your integration provides, and/or other benefits depending on how we work together.

Ready to become a part of the Thor Swap affiliate program?

Apply today by email: info@thornetwork.org

Try it now:


And join us on social media:

⭑ Twitter: twitter.com/Thor_Network
⭑ Facebook: facebook.com/thorecosystem
⭑ Linkedin: linkedin.com/company/thornetwork
⭑ Telegram: t.me/thornetwork

