THORChain Multichain Testnet Live

Multichain testnet released publicly ft. BTC, BCH, LTC, BNB & ETH

THORChain Contributor
3 min readFeb 8, 2021



THORChain contributors are pleased to announce the following details:

  • Multichain Testnet is live via
  • ASGARDEX Desktop Client will be released in the coming days
  • BNB, BTC, BCH, LTC & ETH bridges active
  • $RUNE is native to THORChain and can be upgraded from BEP2
  • Multi ASGARD support (sharded vaults) for better performance & scaling

Nb. Asgard.Exchange supports only BTC & BNB chains at this moment with others to follow asap.

Key Resources:

Asgard Exchange:

RUNE Faucet:



Seed Service:

Multichain Testnet v1 is the primary interface for multichain testnet until ASGARD Desktop Client is released later this week.

Asgard Exchange is entirely a community built entry point to THORChain and supports BTC & BNB chains + Native RUNE. Other chains will be supported imminently.

The following tutorials by community memeber @trader310 provide step by step instructions on how to use Asgard.Exchange and test the network:

Native RUNE

$RUNE is native to THORChain and will need to be upgraded from BEP2 (RUNE-67C).

Create a new keystore on Asgard.Exchange, request RUNE from the @runefaucetbot on telegram & upgrade it via the wallet in Asgard Exchange.

Tutorial here:

What to Test

  • Wallet functionality works
  • Pools are shown correctly
  • Swaps are processed
  • Adding & withdrawing liquidity is processed
  • Send functionality works
  • Prices are calculated correctly
  • Slippage is correct & price protection works

Issue Handling

Issues are expected during public testnet. Prior to submitting any issues please search the @thorchain_org telegram chat using the hashtag #issue to see if anyone else has logged that issue.

If you need to submit an issue, file it on the following gitlab repo:

Leave a comment in the @thorchain_org with the #issue hashtag briefly describing the problem & linking to the gitlab issue you filed above.

Bug Bounties

Community participation in testing will expedite delivery of Multichain Chaosnet this quarter. Valid issues filed on gitlab which contain a BNB address at the end of the issue may receive a small $RUNE bounty following the successful launch of Chaosnet.

Nb. Exchange addresses cannot receive bounties. Do not provide exchange addresses or those with memos.

Please do not enquire on the status of bounties. They will be announced in due course.

Next Milestones

  • Release ASGARDEX Desktop Client (this week)
  • Asgard.Exchange support for ETH, LTC, BCH & others (1–2 weeks)
  • Asgard.Exchange community reskin (1–2 weeks)
  • Multichain support on community products inc. runestake, runedata, runebalance etc. (following weeks)

GrassRootsCrypto Youtube

GrassRootsCrypto consistently puts out great educational videos on THORChain, users should subscribe and bookmark the channel.


To keep up to date, please monitor community channels, particularly Telegram and Twitter:

