Weekly Dev Update #56

THORChain Weekly Dev Update for Week 11–18 Aug 2020; Testnet 5, Midgard Improvements, thorchain.net




Testnet 5

The team worked to close out some edge cases found during testing and Ragnarok of Testnet4.2 and was able to release Testnet 5. Testnet 5 is the final testnet planned before Chaosnet, but it must be stable and not suffer any major issues in order to pass.


Thanks for the huge amount of support for Midgard. The team has assessed all input:

1) Currently re-allocating resources over next 2 weeks to re-build the most used endpoint (pool detail) to add better caching/queries and use time-series design better.
2) This will be the template for internal and external resources to update the rest of the endpoints, some may become /v2 but perhaps not needed yet
3) Team are further engaged with some community resources to look into building a GraphQl layer, starting with a PoC
4) Midgard is a focus for the next month to get it up to speed with community expectations.

Since Midgard is open-source, and every THORNode runs one, and every external service will use it, it is an excellent project for community PRs and improvements — please feel free to work on it.


Fixes, upgrades and work for multi-chain.


Fixes, as well as a new endpoints for more optimised balance and pool data queries. Push pool depths to memory for faster returns.


BEPSwap Client

Numerous UI/UX tweaks based on community feedback

Stats Bar on Home
Transaction Table
Stats Page


Work continues to prepare the client for Chaosnet.

ASGARDEX transaction sending

Community Work

thorchain.net was released:


Delphi Defi Dashboard: https://defi.delphidigital.io/thorchain



A final infrastructure audit is planned post-Chaosnet.

Next Milestones

Chaosnet is expected once Testnet5 has been fully-validated.


To keep up to date, please monitor community channels, particularly Telegram and Twitter:




The official team for THORChain — the decentralized liquidity network.