Weekly Dev Update #58

THORChain Weekly Dev Update for Week 25–30 Aug 2020; Chaosnet Launch, V0.9.0 Hot Fix, Explorer Updates

3 min readSep 1, 2020



Chaosnet was launched, with 11 node operators quickly moving from Testnet to Chaosnet to stabilise the network. Several community members staked into the first BNB pool, hitting the FUND CAP of 50k RUNE immediately. Several issues were encountered, but all hurdles crossed and the network has proved to be very stable.

Testnet 5–0.8.0

This fixed a Slashing Mistake and a feature to allow Node Operators to Bond in multiple transactions, instead of all at once.



Chaosnet Launch–0.9.0 and Binance Daemon Update

Chaosnet was launched, but a hot fix on Binance Chain meant Binance Nodes immediately crashed. Node Operators were pushed the fix in order for observations of Binance Chain to resume.

Testnet5 Rescue

In the rush for node operators to join Chaosnet, four nodes requested to leave, and three nodes just shutdown their machine without even a request to leave, resulting in a total of 7 nodes who had to be churned out.

Since this is more than 1/3 of the total and the churn logic gives preference to those who requested to leave, as a result of that, one or two of the three nodes which already shutdown stayed active and failed the keygen. Thus TN5 churning halted (not the blockchain, but just the mechanism for vault management).

As a result, the remaining TN5 Node Operators used the "BAN" tx in anger to remove these dud nodes. This cost them 0.1% of their bond, but they were able to remove the dead nodes from the network and resume churning.

As a bonus of this, the team discovered an arithmetic bug in how super-majority was calculated and subsequently patched that (it was off-by-one).


Fixes, upgrades:


Fixes, as well as a new endpoints for more optimised balance and pool data queries. Push pool depths to memory for faster returns.


BEPSwap Client

Numerous UI/UX tweaks based on community feedback


Work continues to prepare the client for Chaosnet.

Community Work

The following tools receive regular updates:

Telegram Bot

Twitter Bot


Delphi Defi Dashboard

THORChain Explorer

THORChain Official Block Explorer


A final infrastructure audit is planned post-Chaosnet.

Next Milestones

Chaosnet will soon be officially unveiled.


To keep up to date, please monitor community channels, particularly Telegram and Twitter:




The official team for THORChain — the decentralized liquidity network.