Weekly Dev Update #64

THORChain Weekly Dev Update for Week 64, 05–11 Oct; Bitcoin Confirmation Counting, Midgard Updates, Multi-asgard tweaks.

3 min readOct 16, 2020



The team worked to bring Bitcoin to an internal testnet, as well as the necessary features to support a native chain.

Confirmation Counting

ConfCounting is the practice of waiting for a number of confirmations to take place before crediting a user’s deposit. For Bitcoin, this is typically 6 confs, which appears to come from a single 2012 paper on Double Spending written by Meni Rosenfeld. However, waiting an hour for a swap to take place from Bitcoin to another asset is untenable.

The solution is to delay swaps by a number of blocks that match their value in block rewards. The maths is simple, if a number of blocks create $X in revenue for miners, then over time (assuming an efficient market) then roughly $X is the investment required for an attacker to pull off a re-organisation of those blocks. More reading on this here.

Thus THORChain first counts the revenue per Bitcoin block (currently around 6.25 ~$70k per block), then seeks to wait an equivalent number of blocks before reporting a transaction, based on its size. This means, for the vast majority of swaps under 6.25 Bitcoin, they will be processed in a single confirmation.

This raises the question of *natural* re-organisations — where the network is naturally bifurcated with two competing blocks. Firstly, since THORChain has very good coverage of the network (each node runs their own Bitcoin node), it is unlikely that all nodes will be on one side of the bifurcation. Secondly, natural re-orgs do not undo transactions, so this does not affect what THORChain sees. The Bifrost can handle natural and recover from malicious re-orgs by posting in errata transactions to the state machine in order to socialise losses and return solvency if a malicous re-org would ever occur.


Midgard V0.2.1 was released with some improvements and updates.


Work also continues to build out Bitcoin. A feature to allow UTXOs to be signed in parallel (for faster TSS execution) was also added.


Fixes and tweaks for stability, as well as releasing V0.2.1.


BEPSwap Client

Numerous UI/UX tweaks based on community feedback


Work continues to prepare the client for Chaosnet. Bitcoin and Ethereum have been integrated.

Community Work

The following tools receive regular updates:

Telegram Bot



Twitter Bot


Delphi Defi Dashboard


THORChain Network Explorer


THORChain Official Block Explorer



A final security audit is being completed.

Next Milestones

Bitcoin testnet.


To keep up to date, please monitor community channels, particularly Telegram and Twitter:




The official team for THORChain — the decentralized liquidity network.