Dear Thortspace… can you say how I put three web links into one thort?

Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app
3 min readApr 6, 2017

I am sorry to say that Thortspace does not currently do this.

Currently any given thort can only be assigned with the following:
(1) Either one single clickable URL (long-pressable on touchscreens) Or one embedded sphere
(2) One picture
(3) Some text — currently a maximum of 55 words per thort
(4) One category
(5) The beginning or end of any number of paths
(6) Being part of a group with other thorts

When you follow the web link from a thort, you do so by clicking on the centre of the thort (or long-press on touchscreens). But possibly in a future version we could incorporate some kind of note-card into a thort, and this could have a list of links on it, and other things, such as notes about the thort.

In the meantime some alternatives you could try that may achieve something in the same ballpark as what you are aiming for are:

Option (1) Drag-and-drop the link from the icon on the end of the browser URL line onto a sphere (to create a new thort) or onto a thort (to set the URL for that thort).
Do this for each of your 3 links.
Put the 3 thorts with links in them together in group.
Create a path from your “Ancient philosophy” thort to the group (see graphic below).

Option (2) Put the 3 links on thorts on another sphere, and embed this in your first sphere. This is a bit of overkill for just 3 links, but if you had 30 or 40 links you might want to separate them onto another sphere which could then be either linked to or embedded into the first sphere.

Option (3) Do as in option (1) above but name your group “Ancient philosophy” instead of having a thort called that.

Option (4) Do as in option (1) above but put your thort “Ancient philosophy” in the same group but make it distinct with a category or a picture (see graphic).

Andrew is a Product Designer at Thortspace, the world’s first collaborative 3D mind mapping software. More stories here.



Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app

Andrew is a Product Designer at - #3D #VR #collaborative #thought_mapping #app. See it more than one way!