Dear Thortspace … is Thortspace FREE?

Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app
4 min readApr 25, 2017

There are two different things that are both free, and one thing that is not free.

Free things:

(1) The Thortspace free editor app which this page provides links to the installers for on the different platforms.

(2) Registering a Thortspace “free cloud” account — registering a Thortspace account is also free. The Thortspace Cloud service is built on Google’s infrastructure which allows us to provide data security and privacy that is just as secure as your Google account. This enables you, for example, to collaborate on a sphere that someone has shared with you, without you having to pay us for doing so. It also enables you to create and publish Free Public spheres (which have small google advertisements on them — typically in the bottom right corner). Public spheres are free to create and will sync between your devices. You can also collaborate both asynchronously and in realtime on with other specific users on Public spheres.

If you have concerns about data privacy, please see this article: Dear Thortspace … I have concerns about data privacy.

Not free:
(1) The one thing that is not free is subscribing to Thortspace “Premium cloud” service. Thortspace Premium Service is an optional addition to the Free Service, which provides a private cloud to use alongside Thortspace. Thortspace private cloud service enables individuals and teams to collaborate on Thortspace spheres and sync Thortspace spheres automatically between devices.

So in summary, thortspace is:

  • FREE to install the app.
  • FREE to register a thortspace free cloud account (this enables you to participate in collaborative or shared spheres that have been shared with you by other users, and to publish, sync and collaborate on Public spheres).
  • FREE to participate (eg. enter and edit thorts, apply categories, insert paths) on spheres shared with you by other users. Owners of spheres may have placed restrictions on what you can do on any given sphere.
  • FREE to collaborate on Public spheres. As long as you are happy to make your spheres public, you can use the Thortspace realtime collaboration and asynchronous sharing system without paying for a Premium Account. Public spheres on Free accounts will also sync between your devices.

It is only if you want to be the owner of Private spheres or because you want to publish public spheres without adverts on them, that you will need to buy a subscription to the Thortspace Premium service.

The Thortspace Cloud Service is sometimes referred to as “thortcloud“. The second half of the article linked below describes the benefits of subscribing to Thortspace Premium Cloud:

You should buy a subscription to Thortspace Premium Cloud Service if you want to be the owner of spheres that you share privately with other users or collaborate privately with other users on, or if you want to back up or sync your private spheres across all your devices. You should also subscribe to Premium if it is important to you that your Public spheres do not display adverts on them.

You must register a Thortspace Free Cloud account before you can become a subscriber to Thortspace Premium Cloud Service. You can register a Thortspace Free Cloud account either at or via the “My Account” dialog inside the Thortspace App.

Thortspace Premium subscriptions can be purchased in two ways:

(1) Via the Account page on

  • On any device that supports a Web browser by means of the Account page.
  • Subscriptions purchased this way always come with a 14-day “cooling off” period. If you cancel your subscription within 14 days you will not be charged.
  • These subscriptions will auto-renew — which can be turned on or off via your “My Account” page on
  • Are not refundable on any monies that have already been paid.
  • Can only be cancelled as at the renewal date.
  • Come with a choice of renewal periods
  • US$14.99 per 1 month
  • US$59.99 per 6 month — $9.99 monthly equivalent — SAVE $59.90 per year
  • US$109.99 per 12 month — $9.17 monthly equivalent — Save $69.89 per year
  • Prices include any applicable local sales taxes, and will appear on your card billing in your local currency.

(2) Via “in-app purchase” from Google Playstore and Apple App Stores

Refer to the Commercial Terms page on for more details of the commercial terms and subscription costs and options associated with Thortspace Premium Cloud subscriptions.

Refer to the Purchase page for details of the subscription costs and options.

Refer to the Terms of use and service page for more general guidance and information.

Andrew is a Product Designer at Thortspace, the world’s first collaborative 3D mind mapping software. Thortspace enables breakthrough thinking, whenever and wherever you need it most. More stories here.



Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app

Andrew is a Product Designer at - #3D #VR #collaborative #thought_mapping #app. See it more than one way!