Dear Thortspace … “it is not easy to locate information”

“On the one hand, Thortspace seems like just the right tool to organize our journaling activities. On the other hand, information grows quickly and it is not easy to locate, organize, and use information.”

Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app
3 min readApr 13, 2020


This article is a summary of a facebook conversation that happened here:

(1) You can easily locate spheres by using the search tab

You can easily locate spheres by using the search tab. If you have registered and logged-in (in your Thortspace App) to a Free or Premium Thortspace account, searching for spheres in this way includes searching across the full-text of your spheres. Otherwise this search is done across the titles of the spheres that are stored in your local Thortspace cache.

(1) You can easily locate spheres by using the search tab.

(2) You can easily locate content within spheres by using the “Thorts” list on Search tab

You can easily locate content within spheres by using the “Thorts” list on Search tab.

(2) You can easily locate content within spheres by using the “Thorts” list on Search tab.

(3) Locating Sphere thorts on the search list

The connection between the sphere list and the thorts on the spheres works both ways round.

The connection between the sphere list and the thorts on the spheres works both ways round.

When you mouse-over a thort (or select it on touch screens) the full text of the thort is displayed in the status box at the bottom of the screen. This allows you to see the full text of a thort without zooming in.

See the full text of a thort without zooming in

Mousing-over a thort (or selecting it on touch screens) also shows the full text of the thort in the web-browser version of Thortspace.

Mousing-over a thort (or selecting it on touch screens) also shows the full text of the thort in the web-browser version of Thortspace.

(4) Locating sphere thort locations using Do mode

Moving the sphere so a given thort is front-centre also works with Do mode.

Moving the sphere so a given thort is front-centre also works with Do mode.

(5) Storing a set of (eg. recent) locations as a “Journey” (in Present mode)

You can use a Journey to store the most significant or recent places you have been working, and be able to go straight back to them.

You can use a Journey to store the most significant or recent places you have been working, and be able to go straight back to them.

(6) Using “My Activity” from the News feed

You can use the “My Activity” list on the newsfeed to track all the edits you recently made.

You can use the “My Activity” list on the newsfeed to track all the edits you recently made.
Andrew is a Product Designer at Thortspace, the world’s first collaborative 3D mind mapping software. More stories here.



Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app - #Social #3D #VR #AR #mind_mapping. What we are able to think is shaped by the structures and environments inside which we think.