Dear Thortspace … My Thortspace App has stopped working on my Mac machine that it used to work on.

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling but that does not fix it. What should I do? Or “how to delete your Thortspace cache on Mac machines”

Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app
5 min readMar 31, 2020


Please note this article is for Mac users. There is a related article for Windows users here:


If possible, on one of your Thortspace App installs wherever you have it installed (eg. on your phone, or tablet), go to the home screen and make a note of your Thortspace Cloud Account email — the one that you have used to create a Thortspace Premium Account or regular Thortspace Account.

After you have deleted your cache, you will have to log in again so as to restore all your Thortspace spheres. So you will need to know the email address that you are using to log into Thortspace.

Important Warning — if you have been creating spheres without being logged in to Thortspace cloud service, and you do the following procedure (deleting your cache), you will lose all your local sphere data and will not be able to get it back! So it is only recommended to delete your cache if you were logged in to Thortspace cloud service just prior to when you last had a working Thortspace App on your machine.

In order to check what part of your sphere data has been synced to the cloud, please log into the Thortspace Web Browser version, which is located here: . Use the same login account email and password that you use in the Thortspace App and on the web site (ie. the one you set up when you registered your Thortspace account).

You can log in to the Thortspace Web Browser version here:

The Thortspace App cache on Mac machines is located here:



(Replace “MyUserName” with your username !)

Go to the parent directory and zip up the folder: (in this way you can also get back to your previous broken state if you should ever want to — this is kind of a similar plan to cryogenics).

Please, please, please. If at all possible: zip up your debug log folder separately and send it to us so that others don’t have to suffer the same way that you have.

The debug_logs folder may either be here

… or here

The .config folder is a “hidden” folder under com.gooisoft.thortspace.mac. In order to be able to “see” this folder, press Command + Shift + “.” (ie. Command, Shift and Dot keys at the same time)

Please note: The following article explains how to Toggle on and off the visibility of “hidden” files on your Mac (essentially press Command+Shift+“.” ie. Command, Shift and the Dot key):

If the problem is really difficult to solve, it may help us solve it if you send us your entire com.gooisoft.thortspace.mac folder. In this case you will need to do your own risk-assessment in respect of the data in your cache folder. We take careful steps to destroy any such files we receive, once the bug has been fixed.

Subject to all the previous warnings in the article above, now delete the entire folder: /Users/MyUserName/Library/Containers/com.gooisoft.thortspace.mac

Now try restarting Thortspace. If corrupt data in your cache was the cause of the Thortspace App not starting, the Thortspace App will now start again normally.

Now if you log in again in the usual way, all the spheres that have been saved to your cloud service account will be recovered.


To check your spheres have all synced with the cloud, navigate to and log in to your account. Then look on the “My Spheres” list (link at the top).

If they are all there in the browser version, it is safe to delete com.gooisoft.thortspace.mac. (Ideally zip this folder up and send it to us before deleting it. That will help us fix the bug for the next release, but you don’t need to do that for the following procedure to work.)

Steps to do this:
(1) Close Thortspace app if it is open
(2) Replace “MyUserName” with your user name in the following file path ( /Users/MyUserName/Library/Containers/ )
(3) In the finder navigate to /Users/MyUserName/Library/Containers/
(4) Delete the folder called com.gooisoft.thortspace.mac which is in the containers folder. (If you can possibly bear to, zip this folder up and send it to us first, but that is just an extra helpful thing, which you don’t need to do.)
(5) Restart the Thortspace App — you should be logged out.
(6) Log back in to the Thortspace App and look on the search list. Your spheres should now all be there again, and be editable in Think mode, as normal.

Andrew is a Product Designer at Thortspace, the world’s first collaborative 3D mind mapping software. Thortspace enables breakthrough thinking wherever and whenever you need it most. More stories here.



Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app

Andrew is a Product Designer at - #3D #VR #collaborative #thought_mapping #app. See it more than one way!