Add public spheres to your own spheres and sphere networks

Thortspace Version 1.4.56 is now available

Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app
5 min readSep 22, 2018


Version 1.4.56:

  • Improves reliability of realtime collaboration,
  • Enables full-text searching the entire public sphere catalogue from within the Thortspace App,
  • Enables other users’ public spheres to be linked and embedded into your own spheres and sphere networks and
  • Enables the creation of multiple alternative sphere networks using subsets of the same set of spheres.

In version 1.4.56, the Public sphere list is now accessible and searchable from inside the Thortspace App.

For example, in the picture below I am thinking about the GSS (Growing Systems of Success) methodology developed by Prof. Dasaratha Rama.

By the way, you can also search the Public Spheres list from direct from the Web Browser version of Thortspace; see:

I don’t know very much about GSS, but I have a vague idea of what it is. So I start by simply writing down my pre-conceptions.

Then over on the left-side of the Thortspace App window, there is a new filter available on the Spheres list on the Search tab called “Public”. This filter enables me to search across the entire set of Thortspace spheres which other users (and myself) have made Public. So I type “GSS” in the search text box, and press return (or click or tap the Go) button.

Now on the Spheres list I can see all the Public spheres that have “GSS” in the title or in text content on the sphere itself, and in order of relevance.

I can now add one of more of these spheres to my current sphere by drag-and-dropping them onto empty Thorts on my current sphere.

The following article includes the detailed steps of how to drag-and-drop spheres from the spheres list onto Thorts on your current sphere:

I scroll down the list and notice the sphere titled “GSS Story July 2018”. That sounds like it might provide a good introduction to what GSS is. I drag-and-drop that sphere from the spheres list onto one of the empty Thorts I already have on my sphere…

I drag-and-drop that sphere from the spheres list onto one of the empty Thorts I already have on my sphere…

Now I can click on the centre of embedded sphere (“GSS Story July 2018” … ie. the one I just drag-and-dropped) so as to navigate to that sphere.

When I click (long-press on touchscreens) on the centre of the embedded sphere, Thortspace navigates to that sphere.

Now if I zoom out, as far as I can go, Thortspace returns me to sphere I came from.

Now if I zoom right out, as far as I can go, Thortspace returns me to sphere I came from.

Further down the spheres list, with the search text still set on “GSS” I find 4 more spheres with likely sound titles for giving me an overview and orientation to what GSS is. I add these to my current sphere just as before.

I find 4 more spheres with likely sound titles for giving me an overview and orientation to what GSS is. I add these to my current sphere just as before.

Next I visit each of these embedded spheres in turn. Some of them contain links on to regular web pages like the “GSS Welcome Sphere” shown below. Whenever you see outwards pointing arrows in Thortspace, it means this Thort contains a Web Link. Click or [on touchscreens] long press the centre of the Thort to navigate to the linked web page.

So now I can take the sphere I’ve made where I’ve embedded related public spheres and publish it.

Detailed steps on how to publish Thortspace spheres to the web with one click are here:

And so you end up with a public sphere on the web like this:

Linking other people’s public spheres (in multiple alternative arrangements)

We can take the integration of other people’s Thortspace spheres a step further by building networks with them.

On the Thortspace sphere above, I draw Path-steps (it doesn’t matter what the path-type is) between pairs of the public spheres that I have embedded in my current sphere.

Draw Path-steps (it doesn’t matter what the path-type is) between pairs of the public spheres that I have embedded in my current sphere.

Now that I have drawn these Path-steps, when I visit any of the spheres on the Path, the other linked-spheres appear as well. I can now navigate between any of these linked-spheres, just as if they were part of a default network of spheres that I had made using spheres that I am the owner or editor of.

I can now navigate between any of these linked spheres, just as if they were part of a default network of spheres that I had made using spheres that I am the owner or editor of.

In this way, multiple alternative networks of your own and other peoples spheres can be created in Thortspace.

Andrew is a Product Designer at Thortspace, the world’s first collaborative 3D mind mapping software. More stories here.



Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app

Andrew is a Product Designer at - #3D #VR #collaborative #thought_mapping #app. See it more than one way!