How to … change the order of Thorts on the Thorts list(s)

Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app
4 min readFeb 15, 2018

If you go into Think Mode, open the Search Tab and click the Thorts button at the top, you will see the Thorts list for the current sphere. Thorts appear in the same order here as they do in their separate lists when you view your current sphere in Do Mode. Thorts also appear in the same order when you export sphere content to a web page, or copy-and-paste it into other applications such as Excel. Thortspace provides two easy ways to adjust the order of Thorts on these lists:

[By the way, the order that thorts pop-up in Think mode (for editing) or in Explore mode (for reviewing) is the same order as thorts are listed on the Thorts list (on the search tab) or in the columns in Do mode.]

Method 1 — Drag thorts up and down the search list

Drag Thorts up and down the Thorts list on the Search tab. This will change their order on the Thorts list. Dragging up or down the Thorts list does not change the position of the Thort on the sphere, unless the thort is moved into a new group.

Fig 1. You can drag Thorts up and down the Thorts list to change the order of Thorts on the Thorts list. (You can also change group membership this way.)

List order in Do Mode is kept consistent with the Ordering on the Thorts list on the Search tab, and vice versa. So you can drag Thorts up and down the lists in Do Mode to set their list order there as well, and you can drag between Do Mode lists to change group membership.

Fig 2.

See also related articles:

More about Do Mode is covered here:

Some advanced ways to manipulate Group membership are discussed in this response to a user-enquiry:

Method 2 — Use the “Order Thorts/Groups” process available on the Edit menu in Think Mode

Step 1 — Go into Think Mode. Go to the Edit menu and choose
“Order Thorts/Groups”

Fig. 3

Step 2 — The cursor will have changed to show a small dot and the number 1. Either: To set the list order of the Thorts in a group, click on each one of the Thorts in the order you want it to appear on the list (or in Do Mode).
Or: To set the order of Groups, click on each one of the Groups on the sphere in the order you want them to appear on the list (or in Do Mode).

Fig 4. The Thorts on the Thorts list will now appear in the same order as the order you clicked on them in the group on the sphere.
Fig 5. The process of Ordering Groups by this method is essentially the same.

Step 3— When you have finished the current group, the index will click back to “1” ready to do another group if you wish. When you have finished ordering groups, you can click the “cross box message” at the bottom of the screen to close the process.

Fig. 6

By the way, the order that thorts pop-up in Think mode (for editing) or in Explore mode (for reviewing) is the same order as thorts are listed on the Thorts list (on the search tab) or in the columns in Do mode.

By the way, the order that thorts pop-up in Think mode (for editing) or in Explore mode (for reviewing) is the same order as thorts are listed on the Thorts list (on the search tab) or in the columns in Do mode.

Related concepts and articles

A related concept to the ordering of Thorts on the lists, is the visualisation of Thort ordering on spheres by means of Paths and Path-steps. The basic use of Paths is described towards the end of this article:

Export of a sphere’s Thort lists to a Web Page (aka HTML) or Copy-and-Paste of Thort data into other applications such as Excel is described here:

Andrew is a Product Designer at Thortspace, the world’s first collaborative 3D mind mapping software. More stories here.



Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app

Andrew is a Product Designer at - #3D #VR #collaborative #thought_mapping #app. See it more than one way!