How to … delete a link between two spheres

Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app
3 min readJul 4, 2017

The process for deleting links between spheres is as follows: (similar processes exist for deleting Paths, Thorts, and Groups of Thorts)

  1. Go into Think mode.

2. Click or tap the Delete button.


3a. Click or tap on the connecting tube between the two spheres. When you use this method the link between the spheres will be deleted straight-away. This action cannot be reversed with the Undo button, however it is easy enough to simply re-make the link if you change your mind (by dragging the linked sphere from the spheres list and dropping it onto the current sphere).


3b. Click or tap on a sphere that is linked to the current sphere. (This does not delete the sphere, only the link between that sphere and the current, ie. central, sphere.) If you opt for this second approach, you are prompted with a confirmation box, asking you to confirm that you really wanted to the delete the link between the spheres.

By the way… an afterword for users who are already familiar with use of the Thortspace App:

We are moving to a model where links between spheres can, in addition to the current model, be managed via paths between embedded spheres. This is probably helpful because it will enable multiple alternative configurations of links amongst any given set of spheres. This is already partially implemented to the extent that if you create paths between embedded spheres on a sphere that we can designate a parent (any sphere can be a parent), and then visit that parent in the web-browser, and follow a link to an embedded sphere through so that it becomes the current sphere, any spheres on the designated parent that are linked to that sphere are shown as linked spheres within the browser version.

Andrew is a Product Designer at Thortspace, the world’s first collaborative 3D mind mapping software. More stories here.



Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app - #Social #3D #VR #AR #mind_mapping. What we are able to think is shaped by the structures and environments inside which we think.