(3) How to … Log in to Thortspace Online Services

Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app
3 min readMar 20, 2017

If you want to access spheres that have been shared with you by other users, you’ll need to log in to Thortspace Online Services.

In the top-left corner of the home-screen, you will see a message about your login status.

If you’re already logged in, you don’t need to do anything.

If you’re not logged in ….

Tap (or Click) the ‘My Account’ button

If you already have a Thortspace account, you can enter your account email and password here.

If you don’t already have a Thortspace account, tap (or click) the “Register” button.

Enter the Email Address and Password you want to use for your Thortspace account.

Tap the “Agree and Register” button.

You have now registered your Thortspace account and you are logged in on your Thortspace app.

Note: Thortspace is free to use even for registered users if you are participating on spheres shared with you by others. You only need to subscribe to Thortspace Premium Service if you want to own private spheres that you share with others and that you are in control of. The owner of a sphere is able to set permissions in respect of who has access, and what kind of access they have to a given sphere. There is more information about this here and here.

For details about Thortspace Services please refer to the Subscription Pricing and Purchase pages on thortspace.com.

If you have any problems logging in, please send an email to support@thortspace.com or use any of the support channels listed on the Thortspace website.

The steps above are demonstrated in the video below:

Andrew is a Product Designer at Thortspace, the world’s first collaborative 3D mind mapping software. Thortspace enables breakthrough collaborative thinking whenever and wherever you need it most. More stories here.



Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app

Andrew is a Product Designer at https://medium.com/thortspace - #3D #VR #collaborative #thought_mapping #app. See it more than one way!