How to … Present and Publish the thinking you’ve created in Thortspace (Part 2)

Part 2 is about how to publish your Journeys to the web

Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app
4 min readMar 24, 2017


In Part 1 of this series, we looked at how to create Journeys in Thortspace.

In this next part, Part 2, we are going to look at how to publish your Journeys to the web.

(1) You will need to update your Thortspace App to version 1.4.10 or later. To check your version number, go to the About box.

If you version is not 1.4.10 or later, you need to update your app; how you do this will depend on your device. For information on checking and updating your Thortspace App Software to the latest version see the following Medium article.

(2) To publish a Journey all the spheres that the journey visits will need to have been previously set to be public. To see how to make a sphere public (ie. publish it to the web) see this article:

(3) Now lets go into Present mode and view your list of Journeys.

Each of the Journeys you have created is represented on list on the Journeys tab by what we call a “Swatch” (that is to say a small panel).

(4) Choose the Journey that you want to Publish to the web and tap or click the swatch menu for that Journey (ie. click or tap the three lines on the right-hand end of the swatch). Then choose the “Set Public” menu item (versions up to 1.4.10) or “Publish” menu item (versions since 1.4.11).

Set Public” menu item (in versions up to 1.4.10) became “Publish” menu item (in versions since 1.4.11)

(5) Your Journey is now live on the web, but where is it? … To get the URL for the Journey we need to go back to the swatch menu again. The item below “Set Public” should now have become enabled and is called “Get Public URL”. Choose this menu item to copy the URL of public journey onto your computer or device clipboard.

Technical note: The URL you are given will look something like this:
That last number “1” on the end refers to the number of the viewpoint in the journey. If you want to go to a particular viewpoint step along route of your journey you can manually change that number.

(6) Now you have the URL of your Journey you can do anything you like with it. You could:

  • Send it to someone in an email
  • Paste it into a chat window
  • Paste it into a facebook post or other social media post
  • Paste it into the URL line of your browser… that’s what I’m going to do.

See below: Click or tap on the arrow buttons at the sides of window to go to the next and previous viewpoints in the Journey.

To go on this Journey in thortspace click here:

Recap — How to get your Journey URL

In Part 3 of this mini series, we look at how to add Descriptions to Viewpoints and focus on the difference between adding a view and adding an item to a Journey.

Andrew is a Product Designer at Thortspace, the world’s first collaborative 3D mind mapping software. More stories here.



Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app - #Social #3D #VR #AR #mind_mapping. What we are able to think is shaped by the structures and environments inside which we think.