How to … Present and Publish the thinking you’ve created in Thortspace (Part 3)

Part 3 is about how to add descriptions to viewpoints, and how to attach viewpoints to thorts and groups (in case you move them)

Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app
4 min readApr 21, 2017


In Part 1 of this mini series, we looked at how to create Journeys in Thortspace.

In Part 2 of this mini series, we looked at how to Publish your Journeys to the web.

In this final part of the mini series we will look at how to add descriptions to viewpoints, and how to attach viewpoints to thorts and groups (this is useful in case you move the thort or group).

Adding descriptions to viewpoints

For this example, I starting in Present Mode with my “SWOT Analysis of Humanity” Journey open in the Journeys Tab. Present Mode and the Journeys Tab are both covered in the previous two articles in this series.

If you look at the list of viewpoints in the Journey, you can see the first viewpoint on the list is named “Overview” (and the second viewpoint is named “The dimensions”).

To add a description to this viewpoint, click or tap the three bars menu button on the end of the Viewpoint swatch. Then click or tap on the Description menu item.

Type in a description for the viewpoint and then press the OK button.

If you have Published your Journey (ie. set it to be public), the description you entered will now appear in the centre bottom viewpoint description box, when a visitor to your journey goes to that viewpoint.

To go on this Journey in thortspace click here:

Attaching Viewpoints to Thorts or Groups

When you add a viewpoint to a Journey, or update an existing viewpoint, you can either:
(1) Add a viewpoint that references the current view that the user is seeing, ie. a place on the sphere that the user is looking at together with the zoom distance that they are looking at it from
(2) Add a viewpoint that references a particular thort or group. The advantage of this second kind of viewpoint, is that if a user subsequently moves the thort or the group, the viewpoint will keep pointing to the thort or group, rather than pointing at the place on the sphere where the thort or group used to be.

Note that when you add a viewpoint (by either of the two approaches above) the viewpoint also stores:
(a) Whether the sphere is currently transparent
(b) The current arrangement that the sphere has applying
(c) The current zoom distance

To add a viewpoint that references the current view:
Go to the view of a sphere you want to add the current Journey and Tap or Click the Add View button.

To add a viewpoint that points at a specific thort or a group:
(1) Move around the sphere to find and go to the thort or group you want the viewpoint to point at. When you have found the thort or group select the thort or group (by tapping or clicking on the thort or group once).

Note: Don’t tap or click a second time as that will initiate editing on the thort or group’s text.

(2) Now instead of clicking or tapping the “Add View” button as you would to add the current viewpoint, click or tap the “Add Item” button (which is next to Add View at the bottom of the Journeys Tab panel).

For more detail about adding Viewpoints to Journeys, refer back to Part 1 of this mini series of articles.

Andrew is a Product Designer at Thortspace, the world’s first collaborative 3D mind mapping software. More stories here.



Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app

Andrew is a Product Designer at - #3D #VR #collaborative #thought_mapping #app. See it more than one way!