How to … Publish Thortspace spheres to the web with one click (or thereabouts)

Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app
4 min readFeb 4, 2017

I know many of you woke up this morning wondering how to get your Thortspace spheres onto a web page, as shown below in Google Chrome:

There’s a video about how to publish Thortspace spheres here on our YouTube channel:

You can visit the sphere in the graphic at the top by following the link below to see it in your own browser:

Here are the steps you need to do publish your spheres to the web:

(1) First, if you haven’t already done so, you need to register a Thortspace Free Cloud Account. See the linked article below on how to do this.

(2) All the rest is easy. You remember I said one click, at the beginning… that click is coming up. (When I say one click I was assuming you already had a thortspace account.)

Go to the sphere you want to publish to the web, open the Share tab and click the To Public button… that’s it. That’s the one click.

Update to this article on 20th Jan 2020:

Since the graphic above was screen-captured, the text on the button has been changed to “Publish”, instead of “To Public” since the article linked above was made. But the button still does the same thing. It’s a toggle button … click it switch between Public and non-Public … ie. just click the same button again to make the sphere Private or just Shared again. (See graphic below.)

This button used to say “To Public” and “To Private”. In more recent versions of Thortspace this button says “Publish” and “Unpublish”, but it still does just the same thing. It is a toggle button. Click the button again to switch back to the other state.

Since we changed the button text in a version update, the button now switches between “Publish” and “Unpublish” … once you have published a sphere (ie. made it public) the text on the button changes to “Unpublish” … so you can tell which state the sphere is in.

Also your spheres list, it tells you if a sphere is Public or not:

Public” means the sphere has been “published”. (See graphic below.)

Public” means the sphere has been “Published” as per the button on the Share tab

End of 20th Jan 2020 update to this article

(3) Ok, so what is the URL? … that is why I said “one click (or thereabouts)” …

Go to the sphere menu and select Get Sphere URL … the URL of your sphere will be copied onto your clipboard. Just for fun, you could go paste it into a comment below this article, and then we can all enjoy visiting your sphere… Happy publishing !

Here’s another example:

Andrew is a Product Designer at Thortspace, the world’s first collaborative 3D mind mapping software. More stories here.



Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app - #Social #3D #VR #AR #mind_mapping. What we are able to think is shaped by the structures and environments inside which we think.