How to … zip up your Thortspace local cache directory and send it to us

This information is for Microsoft Windows users of Thortspace App. It applies when all other attempts at fixing your bug have drawn a blank.

Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app
2 min readDec 3, 2018


The steps to do this would be something like this:

(1) Go to the parent folder, which is called Gooisoft (as shown in Screenshot1).

Screenshot 1

(2) Select the folder called “Thortspace” — you must do this or step (3) will not work

(3) Right-click on the folder called “Thortspace” and choose “Send to” -> “Compressed (zipped) folder” (as shown in Screenshot 1)

(4) Windows will make a file called “” (as shown in Screenshot 2).

Screenshot 2

(5) Drag and drop the file called “” into an email and send it to us.

Andrew is a Product Designer at Thortspace, the world’s first collaborative 3D mind mapping software. More stories here.



Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app

Andrew is a Product Designer at - #3D #VR #collaborative #thought_mapping #app. See it more than one way!