Terminology — Taxonomy —Glossary — “Naming of parts”

Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app
4 min readNov 15, 2018

“Would you be able to come up with 10 or so words that you think every Thortspace user should know to get started?”

see: https://www.facebook.com/groups/235075123710450/permalink/342577662960195/

Yes! Here they are:
Thort, thortgroup, path-step, path-type, path, sphere, sphere network, category, category set, arrangement, viewpoint, journey, embedded sphere, linked sphere, private sphere, public sphere, modes.

Below is a description of what each of these words means, in the context of using Thortspace.

(1) Thort — a Thort is a visual container for a thought — visually it is a disk which can coaggulate with other thorts to make groups just by touching them together

This is a thort — a visual container for a thought

(2) Thortgroup a group of thorts

This is a thortgroup — a cluster of thorts that have coaggulated

(3) Path-step — a connector from one thort or thortgroup to another thort or thortgroup

This is a path-step

(4) Path-typethe selection you made from the list of path-types on the path-types panel

(5) Path a series of path-steps of the same path-type that all connect together

(6) Sphere a 3 dimensional place on which to assemble thorts

This is a sphere — a 3 dimensional place on which to assemble thorts

(7) Sphere network a set of spheres connected together in a structure


(8) Category — a way of identifying thorts which belong to the same set along a particular dimension — eg. they are thorts written by the same person or they are all the same level of urgency


(9) Category set — a set of categories

(10) Arrangement — a particular arrangement of thorts, thortgroups and paths on a sphere — a sphere can have multiple arrangements and switch between them

Graphic on the left shows the “Initial” arrangement. Graphic on the right, shows an arrangement called “Understanding”. Arrangements enable you to have a single sphere which displays sub-sets out of a single set of thorts, and displays them in alternative different groups and different structures.

(11) View point — a particular view of a particular sphere whilst in a particular arrangement and with a particular category set being applied

(12) Journey — a series of view points in specified order


(13) Embedded sphere — a sphere that has been embedded in a Thort

(14) Linked sphere — a sphere that has been connected to another sphere

The link between the two spheres shown in the graphic above indicates that the spheres on either side of the link are “linked spheres”.

(15) Private sphere — a sphere that has a restricted set of editors and/or viewers

(16) Public sphere — a sphere with no restriction on who looks at it

(17) Modes — the four usage modes of Thortspace. These are Think mode, Do mode, Present mode and Explore mode.

The basics of dragging Thorts in Thortspace
Add and delete path-steps in Thortspace
Andrew is a Product Designer at Thortspace, the world’s first collaborative 3D mind mapping software. More stories here.



Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app

https://medium.com/thortspace - #Social #3D #VR #AR #mind_mapping. What we are able to think is shaped by the structures and environments inside which we think.