The good thing about bad reviews

Not everyone, it’s fair to say, likes Thortspace. Here are some of our favourite worst reviews with links to sources, and a bit of explanation as to why we like bad reviews.

#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app
3 min readJan 22, 2020


The good thing about bad reviews

  1. They help us stay down to earth… just at that moment when we’re fantasising about being bought out by Google, it is always nice to have a reminder about how far we still have to go.
  2. They motivate us to make Thortspace better. And in some cases they point the way towards how it could be made better.
  3. People who can be bothered to take the time to write a review are few and far between. For every person that hates our software, only about 1% of those people can be bothered to tell us about it and even fewer can be bothered to tell us why they hate it. That makes those people very special to us. They obviously care about something deeply.
  4. Getting bad reviews is a lot better than being ignored. You know your software is truly awful when no one can even be bothered to tell you how awful it it.
  5. The development of Thortspace has been a gruelling task of research and development, and I think it’s fair to say we would be the first to admit there’s a lot of things that can be improved about Thortspace. We’re working on making it better every day.
  6. There’s probably other reasons. When I think of them I may add them here to list. If you are a creator who loves your bad reviews as much as we do, please post a comment below with what your best reason for loving bad reviews is.

Here we go

“That was truly awful. The simple-minded example calls into question the fundamental utility of the design. It’s over-complexity for the task/example calls into question the character of the development / team. It looks like mind mapping spaghetti thrown against the wall.” ~iOn-Christopher DiMeglio

That is a review posted under a Thortspace introductory video here:

“Just too complicated — way too complicated to do basically nothing.” ~ No Left Turns

This is a review of the Android App by someone who goes by the nicname of “No Left Turns”

“I’ll pass on thort, don’t go for subscriptions nor sending data to someone I don’t know. At least with Amazon, Google, Dropbox, Apple or big names there is some level of peace of mind. Don’t like the look either, neither videos/website nor the clunky product itself.” ~ washere


By the way, I wrote an article to respond to the data privacy issue:

Have you found any truly damning reviews of Thortspace you think ought to be on this list? Please post a comment and let me know, and if it’s bad enough, I will add it here. Thank you !

Just for a bit of balance, you may also want to check out some of our better reviews:

By the way, if you think Thortspace is a bit rubbish, but you think it might be possible to make it into something good, we also have an article about how you can help make Thortspace better:

Andrew is a Product Designer at Thortspace, the world’s first collaborative 3D mind mapping software. Thortspace enables breakthrough collaborative thinking whenever and wherever it is needed most. More stories here.

