Three ways to register a Thortspace Account (and three places that you can log into once you have one)

Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app
2 min readJan 30, 2018

The three places are:

(1) Inside the Thortspace App

Creating a Thortspace Account using the dialogs inside the Thortspace app is described here:

(2) On the website

Go to the “Register” page on the website.

Enter an email address and make up a password you want to use.

(3) On the website

Go to the “Register” page on the website.

Enter an email address and make up a password you want to use.

… And now what?

Once you have created a Thortspace account in any of the three ways described above, you can use the same Thortspace account in all three of these places. The same account will work in the App, on and on

A Thortspace Free Account enables you to participate in real-time collaboration sessions on private spheres that have been shared with you by subscribers to Thortspace Premium Service without restrictions.

A Thortspace Free Account enables you to create, publish, share, sync and collaborate on Public Spheres that you are the owner of.

There is a lot more information about Thortspace Premium Service in this article:

Happy Thortspacing !

Andrew is a Product Designer at Thortspace, the world’s first collaborative 3D mind mapping software. Thortspace enables breakthrough collaborative thinking, whenever and wherever you need it most. More stories here.



Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app

Andrew is a Product Designer at - #3D #VR #collaborative #thought_mapping #app. See it more than one way!