You’ll never believe what happened next …

[Or how to get people’s attention in a world where the odds are stacked against you.]

Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app
3 min readMay 21, 2019


How can you get to the leading edge of thinking in your area of expertise? How can you develop an advantage over your competition?


~ Attributed to Aristotle by Lowell L Bennion, in Religion and the Pursuit of Truth 1989, pp52 (although not actually said by Aristotle)

Worldometers says: “There there were over one billion PCs in use worldwide by the end of 2008, and over 2 billion by the year 2015” and over 4 billion internet users. Smart phone users topped 3 billion in 2018, and are heading to 4 billion by 2022.

While it may be true that creative people are taking over the world, in every field of creative endeavour, while the target audience is bigger than ever, so is the number of people you are competing with to get the attention of that audience. Now more than ever, the ages-old battle for other people’s attention has reached a global scale, and a population rapidly approaching 8 billion.

As a creative person, that is to say a creative thinker, what can you do give yourself an advantage?

The world of work has been changing for 3000 years.

And the rate of change has been accelerating. Today the fastest growing job sectors are in Health and in particular in reasearch publishing.

What is it that gives some of these “service providers” the edge over their competion? How can you or I get access to that competitive advantage?

Yesterday evening my daughter said to me: “I want to become an artist like Mummy.”

Yesterday evening my daughter said to me, I want to become an artist like Mummy. The question that imediately struck me is to wonder how I could help to give her a competitive edge. There’s a lot of artists competing for our attention in the world today. What makes any of them stand out?

But it’s not just the obviously creative fields that require creative thinking. The leading edge of every field of human endeavour is ploughed by people who are making leeps of creative imagination; people who are thinking “outside the box”; people who are seeing relationships and trends and evolutions and revolutions that the rest of us are just happy to go with the flow into. How can we ourselves develop that level of insight?

Thortspace makes clever people even cleverer

If you have been reading carefully, you may have guessed that I have been building up to something… Thortspace !

Thortspace makes clever people even clever. How does it do this? By:
(1) Providing a work-around for the 3-slot working memory problem
(2) By enabling the creation and development of an “external” mind… ie. your mind or your team’s mind on display right out there in the world
(3) By enhancing your ability to experiment with different ways and thinking about things, and different viewpoints of subjects, projects and problems.

More information is here:




Andrew Bindon
#Social #3D #VR #MR #mind_mapping #app

Andrew is a Product Designer at - #3D #VR #collaborative #thought_mapping #app. See it more than one way!