Those That Inspire: Day 5, Meet Miles Beckler

Patrick Farrell
Those That Inspire
Published in
4 min readOct 20, 2017
A few hours later, I would be falling asleep at the dinner table.

Meet Miles Beckler, he is day 4’s Those That Inspire feature. Miles and I met just over a year and a half ago when we embarked on the Nomad Cruise II from Cartagena to Portugal. I could immediately tell that this guy was smart, but I didn’t realize at the time how big of an impact he would have on my life; such an impact that he may have actually changed its course.

At the time, I was very new to this whole entrepreneur thing. Miles was one of those guys I was definitely was inspired by on the cruise, especially since I had just started the “nomad” journey. He’s one of those that seemed to have made it with the location independent lifestyle and knew all about online marketing and how to be a “digital nomad.” While I now realize that no one really becomes a “digital nomad” (it’s not a profession!), they just become really good at what they do and are able to do it anywhere in the world because that’s the way they have designed it for themselves.

Needless to say, I definitely tried to learn as much as I could from him. How he and his wife Melanie built their business, how they travel the world, and what their goals are for their lives. They run a company that produce guided meditation mp3’s and their current goal is to help one million people a day meditate. But I’ve also talked to Miles about other future goals, some of which include buying land just to protect it from corporate development and helping for others to realize their true passion to be an entrepreneur.

When we left the cruise, I had no idea that I would be getting a phone call from Miles just a month or so later. He calls me up while I’m sitting at an Airbnb somewhere in Europe and offers me the opportunity to join Melanie and him at their retreat in Thailand later that year, called The Abundant Circle. The retreat was at a luxury villa on the island of Phuket. I can’t even describe the excitement when I hung up the phone. Why did he want me to come? He saw me creating videos while I was on the cruise ship and figured I could help produce videos during the retreat to promote it on YouTube and other social media platforms.

Fast forward to October and I board a flight from JFK bound for Phucket, Thailand. 26 hours of travel across the North Pole and through Hong Kong later, I land in Asia for my first time. I’m not sure I’ve every been so tired; Miles still laughs about how I was falling asleep eating my chicken friend rice at dinner that night. But I was there, it was amazing.

We spent the next 6 days networking with amazing people, swimming in the pool, jumping off a yacht, eating some of the best food I’ve ever had, and just becoming great friends. I still talk to several of those people on a regular basis and Miles has invited me back to the second Abundant Circle retreat next month, this time in Bali! It was truly life changing and I even got some inspiration from it to start creating a software package that I’m close to releasing called Nomatyk Media Manager. The opportunities that have come from that first retreat are a much longer story, but they have spiraled into many more adventures, knowledge, and even the start of my company, Creative Collisions Group.

Our Amazing Villa in Phucket, Thailand

Miles definitely has a heart of gold and I’m happy to call him my friend. He gives so much of his knowledge away for free on his YouTube channel about digital marketing and online advertising, check it out! He is passionate about bringing people together and making an impact on the world. Check out the video below of last years retreat and hope you join us in the future for The Abundant Circle.

If you liked this story please share and give me some claps at the bottom of the page, or add a comment or two! Thanks for reading.



Patrick Farrell
Those That Inspire

Founder and Business Coach for Online Entrepreneurs and Coaches. I help people create more freedom in their life and connect to their purpose.