My first breath work experience

The most present I’ve felt in my whole life

Patrick Farrell
Those That Inspire
2 min readFeb 21, 2019


Photo by Fabian Møller on Unsplash

Today I took my first break work class with Rob Starbuck in Venice, California. I’m not sure I can exactly describe the experience, but I’m already looking forward to my next class. In just this first 30 minute session, I can see how powerful this practice can be towards transforming your life.

It was the most present I have ever been

There has been a lot of talk over the last few years about living in the present moment. I’ve tried to incorporate that mentality into my daily life since I started being aware of the concept.

A few years ago, I started meditating with the help of the Calm app. It changed my life so much for the better. Meditation reduced my anxiety level, taught me new life lessons, and created more focus in my life. It also taught me about being present and when your mind wanders off, you bring it back by focusing on the breath.

But the thing is with this breath work session tonight, my mind didn’t wander anywhere. I was focused solely on the present moment. I was focused on noticing everything that was happening to my body and my mind during the session.

So much energy was flowing through my hands

I don’t think the experience is ever the same for anyone, but one thing that seemed pretty consistent among the people in the session was the amount of energy that was flowing through our arms and hands.

It’s really hard to describe, but I felt like I had hundreds of soft beads touching and surrounding my hands and fingers. My hands started to lock up a bit and it becomes difficult to move them during the session, but it still feels amazing. I felt like I was receiving energy from the room into my body.

The benefits

I don’t think I totally understand the full benefits of breath work yet, but Rob was confident it has changed his life in so many ways. The idea is that we have many energy blockages that are built up in our bodies over our life, breath work helps to release them. Your limiting beliefs begin to fall away and you become more connected to yourself.

I’m excited for my next session and seeing where this could take me to the next step on my journey towards living my best life. If you are in California on Sunday, would love you to join me for the next session.



Patrick Farrell
Those That Inspire

Founder and Business Coach for Online Entrepreneurs and Coaches. I help people create more freedom in their life and connect to their purpose.