The transition from traditional work to remote work, what does it take?

Hard work, persistence, learning skills, networking with people; and that’s just to name a few.

Patrick Farrell
Those That Inspire
2 min readJan 17, 2019


So you want to work remotely? You want to be able to work from your laptop anywhere in the world and make the same salary, or even increase your salary? You want to become what some call a Digital Nomad?

Well I’m going to give you the hard truth about getting there, and then I’m going to give you a lot of hope that you can make it happen too!

The reality is that this lifestyle is not easy. It’s many days of travel, it’s living out of Airbnb’s, it’s finding good Wi-Fi, it’s struggling to make money while you build your dream business. But that’s the thing, you are building your dream, not someone elses. You are building something that you own and that you want to put out in the world versus what someone else does. And once you build it, no one can take it away from you.

I definitely work very hard, but it’s all worth it. It is worth it to have the freedom to be in the Grand Caymen where I am right now. It’s worth it to have the ability to avoid the winter if I want to. It is worth it to be able to go on the nomad cruise or to Bali if I feel like it.

But all that doesn’t come at no cost. It comes with accountability, hard work, persistence and trust. It comes with growing as a person so you have mental ability to actually get work done while you are in beautiful locations. It comes with building relationships where your clients trust you. And I still work on all of this stuff daily while thinking where do I actually want to go with my business and my life.

But the great news is there are so many people now that have made the jump. People that have thought differently and learned new skills that allow themselves a lifestyle of freedom. And all of those people are super open to helping you make the transition too.

So join our community. It’s not about living in beautiful villas in Thailand. It’s about living a lifestyle of freedom that nobody can take away from you. You can live this lifestule is the same on an island in Southeast Asia as you can in the suburbs of New York City and work out of coworking spaces.

So what is stopping you? Ask me in the questions below and let me know how I can help you make the jump.



Patrick Farrell
Those That Inspire

Founder and Business Coach for Online Entrepreneurs and Coaches. I help people create more freedom in their life and connect to their purpose.