How to Escape Tutorial Hell as a Software Developer

Fahmi Nurfikri
Thoughtful Shower
Published in
3 min readNov 7, 2023


Photo by Elisa Ventur on Unsplash

As software developers, we are always required to keep learning new things. This is because the field of information technology is advancing rapidly, and if we don’t adapt to the existing technology, we will have a hard time meeting the industry’s needs.

Learning new things like a new programming language, a new framework, or new tools can be done anywhere. One of the most popular ways is by following programming tutorials.

Following tutorials can be considered one of the easiest ways to learn something new. This is because we are usually guided step-by-step from A to Z, making us feel comfortable, and sometimes we feel that just following the tutorial is enough. However, following tutorials too often can lead us into what is known as “tutorial hell.”

What is Tutorial Hell?

Tutorial hell is a situation where we are trapped in a continuous cycle of consuming programming tutorials without being able to apply them in the real world and build real applications. Tutorial hell is a problem because it can hinder programmers from making progress by preventing them from applying what they have learned, developing problem-solving skills, becoming independent of tutorials, and losing motivation.

So, how can we avoid Tutorial Hell?

