Is this a dream? There is a way to test it!

Robert Poplawski
Thought Experiments
2 min readApr 13, 2020


Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash

Have you ever asked yourself a question: “Is this a dream?”. I’m sure you did. We live in a crazy world, in which more and more people keep asking such questions. But, here are some good news: there is a proven, scientific and reliable way to test it!

Next time you’re not sure whether you are dreaming or not, try this simple method. Take your smartphone and open the calculator app. Think of some random numbers, at least 3 digits long and multiply them with the calculator. You will get a result several digits long. Now, take a piece of paper and a pencil and do the same calculation manually — just like you learnt in primary school — I’m sure you remember that math lesson, don’t you? (btw. if you were wondering then: “Why do I need to learn this? There are calculators everywhere!” — now you know why)

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Compare the numbers and see if your result matches the calculator results. If it does, it means you’re not dreaming. If it does not, there are two possibilities: either you’re dreaming, or you simply made a mistake. Check your calculation once again. If you trust your math skills, then you must be dreaming.

How does it work? The idea is that when you’re dreaming, the calculator does not exist. There is only your imagination. Since it does not exist, it cannot execute complex calculations and provide correct results immediately. So, if you check the result manually and prove it correct, it means the calculator is real, hence you are not dreaming. After all, you cannot quickly multiply two large numbers yourself.

I hope you will find this method useful. Post a comment if you were able to try it and describe your experience! Follow me for more great thought experiments!



Robert Poplawski
Thought Experiments

Entrepreneur & startup founder. Science and tech enthusiast, software engineer. Founder of