How Oprah Winfrey’s Journaling Habit Can Transform Your World

Elihu Tristin
Thought Insider
Published in
3 min readNov 21, 2023

Oprah Winfrey, the superstar behind “The Oprah Winfrey Show,” had a secret to her incredible success — a simple habit called journaling.

It might sound surprising that such a powerful tool was a part of Oprah’s routine, but it’s a practice that’s been used by many influential figures throughout history.

From famous writers like Mark Twain and Virginia Woolf to groundbreaking scientists like Marie Curie and Albert Einstein, keeping a journal was a common practice.

But why did these brilliant minds swear by it?

What Journaling Can Do for You

Discovering Hidden Gems in Your Past: Imagine flipping through your old journal entries, just like rereading your favorite storybook.

Sometimes, you’ll stumble upon incredible ideas or thoughts you hadn’t noticed before. It’s like finding secret treasures hidden within your own memories.

These little treasures can surprise you and make you see your past in a brand-new light.

Vivid Memories Painted on Paper: Think of your journal as a special kind of photo album, but instead of pictures, it holds memories painted with words.

Cheryl Strayed, the author of “Wild,” used her journal to remember all the adventures she went on.

Whenever she read her journal, it felt like she was living those moments again — clear, bright, and fresh as if they happened just yesterday.

Your Personal Time Capsule: Pictures freeze moments in time, but your journal captures much more.

It’s like a magical time capsule that doesn’t just show what happened but also how you felt and what thoughts danced through your mind.

Each entry holds not only events but also the emotions that made those moments special.

Inspiring Yourself Every Day: Imagine writing in your journal every day about the best parts of your day.

It’s like creating a collection of all the wonderful things that happen to you.

Plus, as time goes by and you look back at your earlier entries, you’ll notice how much you’ve changed and learned. It’s like watching a time-lapse video of yourself growing and getting better at things.

So, think of your journal as more than just a book to write in.

It’s like a treasure chest full of surprises from your past, a colorful photo album filled with vivid memories, a time machine capturing your feelings, and a record of how much you’ve grown.

The Challenge of Consistency

Even though journaling is really helpful, it can be tough to do regularly.

Even someone like Oprah Winfrey found it hard to write in her gratitude journal because life got so busy.

Lots of us face this same problem — when life gets hectic, journaling often gets forgotten.

But here’s the trick: journaling doesn’t have to be hard work.

It’s about keeping it simple and easy.

Instead of writing lots of pages, just aim to write one sentence each day.

That’s where the ‘One Line Per Day’ method comes in. It’s a simple way to jot down your thoughts.

Whether you’re summarizing your day, saying what you’re thankful for, making a to-do list, or expressing how you feel, this method is all about keeping things simple and doing it regularly.

Your Next Steps Toward Journaling

Getting into journaling isn’t about having a fancy notebook; it’s about creating a regular habit.

You don’t need anything special, just a simple piece of paper or a digital note works fine. The real secret to journaling is writing down one sentence every day about what happened to you.

It’s all about making a routine, jotting down a small note each day to remember what went on in your day.

Pro Tip: Consider involving a friend or loved one in your journaling journey. Share your thoughts on journaling with them and encourage them to join you in this practice.

You could exchange notes, talk about prompts that inspired you, or discuss how journaling has impacted your day-to-day life.

It creates a supportive space where you both discover and enjoy the perks of this powerful habit together.

You should definitely try it out! 🙌🏻




Elihu Tristin
Thought Insider

Productivity-Nerd 🤓 | Sharing actionable advice to help you get more out of your time and lead a more fulfilling life.