The worst polite question in the world

The question that’s so hard for this autistic to answer

Thought Jumps


“How are you?” is the worst question in the world.

The end.

A woman holds her head in frustration. The photo is edited with a fuzzy pink overlay to display the emotional confusion.
Photo by Uday Mittal on Unsplash

Oh, that’s not clear enough?

Sorry, I don’t mean to be confusing. I’ll elaborate with an example.

So let’s assume a random person I passed on the street did NOT throw me the question “How are you?” as a statement. (Because that apparently requires an answer that’s a positive variation of “Fine.” Or, more confusingly, the answer “How are you?”)

And let’s assume I didn’t automatically first say “Hi, how are you?” like I learned as a restaurant hostess and can’t turn off when entering a store, which makes the employee say “How are you” back. (This time they say it as partly a statement, partly a question.)

And let’s assume the asker and I are actually standing face-to-face and properly acknowledging that yes we both are speaking to each other.

And let’s also assume the other person isn’t checking the time on their phone and doesn’t have keys in one hand while the other hand waves to their carpool buddy to hurry up, the car is open when asking me.

And let’s assume the person asked the question as an actual question and not as a…



Thought Jumps

Late-diagnosed autistic/ADHD. Exploring the “I’m autistic. The past kind of sucked. Now what?” part in writing.