It is Time to Start Talking Politics and Religion at the Dinner Table

Patrick Goldman
Thought Nomad
Published in
6 min readNov 22, 2019


Why We Have To Get Better At Talking About Religion and Politics

Photo by Antenna on Unsplash

Being taught to avoid talking about politics and religion has led to a lack of understanding of politics and religion. What we should have been taught was how to have a civil conversation about a difficult topic. — Ryan Fournier

We as a nation suck at having adult conversations. Period.

There are two pervasive aspects of life that will inevitably encompass a majority of all the variables which make up who you are: religion and politics. Whether you are religious or non-religious, political or could not care less, religion and politics will still dominate your daily life. And we, as Americans (you could argue really most of humanity), are horrible at talking about both of those topics.

The quote above comes from a young, up and coming, political activist who founded Students for Trump. While I personally may not agree with some or most of his political views, I strongly feel the above statement is one of the most profoundly truthful two sentences spoken in the last 100 years.



Patrick Goldman
Thought Nomad

History Nerd, politics junky, sports fan, and BBQ aficionado. International Security Professional. Trying to make the world a safer, smarter, and better place.