New Moon Capricorn — 12/26/2019

Kat Lahr
Thought Notebook
Published in
4 min readDec 21, 2019

Every month’s New Moon provides a fresh opportunity to wake up areas of your life, create space for renewal, new perspectives, and beginnings. No matter what spiritual background you come from, participating in this monthly exercise can help you connect to your soul’s purpose and plan steps to get closer to it. Give yourself permission to connect authentically with yourself this month. Since we live in a Universe that is constantly moving, each month the New Moon is at a different place in our Cosmos allowing us a chance to plant different intentions throughout the year. A new cycle begins this time in Capricorn which is about ending a decade-long chapter.

Be part of a collective event done by people all over the world! Write your list after 12:13 am EST on Thursday, December 26th, 2019.



Subconscious, reassessment, manifestation, success, taking charge, security, respect, structure, and order.


Happy New Moon in Capricorn! The last New Moon of the year, but when we end cycles, new ones always begin. This is the beauty of the cyclical nature of our Universe and subsequently our lives. Getting the chance to start over and begin again is refreshing and usually welcomed. We are entering that space now. Numerologically, we are completing a number 3 year and moving towards a number 4 year. This means we are ending a year of finding our sense of purpose and power through freedom and chaos and beginning one of organizing and finding the methods to implement that newfound power through vision and accomplishment. What that said, we’re looking at the foundations of our lives to see if we can rely on them. If not, we need to restructure things. Begin considering what foundations needs shifting for you.

Even more, we are ending a decade and starting a new one, bringing us tremendous energy for slamming doors already on their way closed and considering what new ones to walk through. What you do now has a colossal effect on your future, as seeds are being planted now. Be the master of your garden by pulling out those weeds and prepping the soil for seeds that are going to take root. If you are not an active participant at this time, seeds may be planted for you through whatever the wind brings your way. Wouldn’t you rather have some say on what you plant? Afterall, you are the one that will have to tend to it, regardless of how the seeds are planted.

‘The Kneph’, 1881–1900 (woodcut)

The Winter Solstice has just occurred and many of us are now at the darkest time of the year. Our bodies are physically impacted by this on so many levels, including metaphysically. The good news is immediately after the Winter Solstice we begin approaching longer time of daylight. This weighed heavily on societies throughout humanity, who as a response held various solstice celebrations meant to revere the death of the old Sun and welcoming back the light with the birth of the new Sun. Do the same for yourself. Take some time to honor what your life has been like the past year and past decade. Say goodbye and welcome in the new.

Carl Jung once said that “One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.” We are called during these darkest moments of the year to confront what we have stashed there and experience it deeply. By honoring our darkness in this way we obtain an inner authority that produces a magnificent inner-consciousness we can tap into at any time. We have been taught to fear the dark, rather than seek to understand and heal it within us. We are called to do this so that we can be responsible for our own dark side and not project it onto others. Yes, we are all connected and feel everyone’s darkness.

Cheers to the end of cycles and beginning of new ones,

Kat Lahr


Gather paper and a pen, pencil, marker or other type of writing utensil.

Review the focus areas for this month and begin to think about how they apply to your personal and professional life.

Write a list of what your hopes, dreams, goals, priorities, wishes, and prayers are for that moment. Typically no more than 10 is recommended. Be very specific, or extremely vague.

Review last month’s list and revise them on this month’s list, if necessary.

Place your notes somewhere safe and special to you. Some tape them to a window, under a lit candle, or leave them in their notebooks on their desks. Create the space that works for you. Leave it there all month until the next New Moon.

Allow and have faith in the power of inter-connectedness in our universe to manifest your list.


Join my New Moon Club to get this reminder every month. Cheers to the end of cycles and beginning of new ones,

Originally published at



Kat Lahr
Thought Notebook

Writer, Educator, Health Advocate, Spiritual Scientist & Avid Thinker About Life