121 Unusual Tips to Being a Better Writer

Yann Girard
Thought Pills
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1 min readMar 11, 2017

Alright folks.

So this summer will be my fourth year of writing online.

Since I’ve started back in 2013 I’ve published more than 700 blog posts and 8 books.

It’s been a hell of a ride.

I never thought I would do this for such a long time.

What started as a small side project is now part of my daily life.

And I’ve learned a hell lot about writing over the years.

So I’ve put together all of my best stuff on writing into an ebook.

So you can conveniently read it on your e-reader, tablet, phone or kindle.

And you can now download that ebook for free…

CLICK HERE to get 121 Unusual Tips to Being a Better Writer

P.S. If you’re part of the grammar police, this book isn’t for you…

