Don’t regret the things you didn’t do

And instead, celebrate the things you did do…

Yann Girard
Thought Pills
2 min readSep 16, 2016


Don’t feel bad that you didn’t hit the gym.

That you didn’t go for that run.

That you didn’t show up.

Or whatever.

Because what’s going to happen when you focus on the things you didn’t do, when you focus on regret, then all that’s going to happen is that you’re going to end up feeling bad about yourself.

And when you feel bad about yourself you’ll do even less. It’s a vicious circle. Because when you feel bad about yourself, then you’ll end up losing all that energy. All that energy you need to do all the extra things you want to do.

And to do things, especially things you’re not used to, takes a hell lot of effort. And a hell lot of energy. Everything new needs a hell lot of energy. You’ll need all the energy you have.

That’s at least the case for me. When my energy levels are low all I can do is binge scroll and binge watch stuff online. And then I feel bad about myself and do even less.

So instead of focusing on regret, on the things you didn’t do, focus on the things you did do. Celebrate the things you accomplished during the day. No matter how big or small.

Not only will you feel a lot better about yourself, but you’ll also create momentum that will help you to get more stuff done that you ever thought possible.

Don’t believe me?

You don’t have to.

It works for me.

Every single day…

Originally published at

