Most people’s jobs…

Yann Girard
Thought Pills
Published in
2 min readJun 26, 2017

… is to manage the status quo.

And not like we tend to think to change the status quo.

That’s not their job.

That’s your job.

And no one else’s.

Their job is to make sure that the things are done the way they’ve always been done.

Their job is not to take risks.

Or to reinvent things.

Their job is to make sure that things keep working.

So if you’re not satisfied with the way things are going, with the way things are being done, then you’ve gotta change it.

Because no one else is going to do it.

Especially not the people who are conserving the status quo.

That’s why your proposal to the governor won’t change a damn thing.

That’s why no investor in the world will ever invest in your grand idea.

That’s why your wife or husband will probably not take you serious.

The only way to convince anyone, especially the people whose job it is to conserve the status quo, to make sure that things keep working is to show them real world results.

To show them that your grand idea is not just an idea but something that has been proven.

Something that has been proven and validated on the market.

Something with real world and tangible results that are way better than the current results.

That’s the only way you’ll ever be able to change things.

By changing them yourself.

By doing the really, really hard work first.

And then giving people a chance to hop on the bandwagon.

No one wants to hop on a bandwagon with no people on it that’s still stuck in traffic.

On the other hand, everybody wants to hop on the bandwagon where the party is already in full swing.

Take away people’s risks of joining a dead bandwagon by getting the party started first.

Because that’s what your grand idea, your grand proposal is for most people.

It’s a risk.

Something that hasn’t been proven yet.

And people don’t like to take risks. ​

So don’t just complain.

Don’t just have that grand idea.

Don’t just send out proposals.

Or letters.

Or what not.

And instead, get that party started.

And if you can’t get that party started on your own, then you might not be such a great host after all and your grand idea was probably not worth supporting anyway…

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