My love affair with Seth Godin

Yann Girard
Thought Pills
Published in
2 min readJun 13, 2016

by Yann Girard

When I first started blogging I had no clue about anything.

I was so desperate and clueless that I simply started posting my blog posts on Facebook. I didn’t know how to setup my own proper blog.

All of this FTP, upload, download and login stuff looked like way too much work.

So I looked around what other people were doing. Most people had their own domain name and a Wordpress blog. That was no option for me. It seemed so difficult.

But there was this one guy who didn’t seem to have a Wordpress blog. It was Seth Godin. And because hundreds and thousands of people seemed to share every single blog post he published, I simply started using the service he was using.

I wanted to be like him. I wanted hundreds and thousands of people liking and sharing my stuff. I wanted people to like me. I wanted to be famous just like him.

So I started using Typepad. Just like Seth.

Fast forward 3 years: I still use it. Unfortunately that’s about the only thing Seth Godin and I have in common.

I still don’t have hundreds and thousands of people sharing my stuff. And I still don’t have people liking me because of my blog. If I think about it there are probably more people who started hating me because of my blog.

Oh yeah and there’s another thing we have in common. For the past 8 months or so I’ve been writing and publishing one blog post a day. Just like Seth. Ok, Seth has been doing this for the past 10 years or so.

But if it wasn’t for Seth, I would probably never have started my own “real” blog. I would probably never even thought it was possible to publish one blog post every single day for more than a month or so.

And not only this. He also put out a course for freelancers on Udemy not too long ago. I took it a few weeks ago. And I think every freelancer, soon-to-be freelancer or any creative person should take it.

It helped me to see my work and myself from another point of view. He gets you to ask yourself the hard questions. The not so comfortable questions. He gets you to ask yourself the right questions.

So thanks for showing me what’s possible, Seth. Thanks for teaching me how to pick myself. And how to go out on a limb. Every single day.

P.S. Seth’s course for freelancers is currently 30% off.

