The best stories

Yann Girard
Thought Pills
Published in
1 min readJan 27, 2016

by Yann Girard

The best stories aren’t the ones where everything goes right.

It’s usually the stories where everything goes wrong.

The stories where you were in the middle of nowhere and the bus broke down and you had to walk for hours and hours to reach the nearest village.

The stories where you missed that plane and had to spend two more days in a city no one had ever heard of before.

The stories where you had to fight hard to get that promotion.

The stories where you had to fight hard to win her over and ended up marrying her.

The stories where you were eating ramen noodles for years and years until it all worked out.

You know. All of these stories where everything goes wrong. Until everything goes right.

These are the stories you’ll tell your friends.

These are the stories you’ll remember for the rest of your life.

The stories you’ll tell your grandchildren.

The stories where you stopped playing it safe for a little while.

These are the best stories..

Watch today’s video here:

