“This just isn’t for me”

Yann Girard
Thought Pills
Published in
2 min readJan 1, 2017

Many times you’ll meet people that will tell you that what you’re doing just isn’t for you.

That you’re not good enough. That you should move on to something new.

And most of the time it’ll be the people closest to you. Or the experts. Or people you look up to.

So you start to doubt yourself and think, well maybe this really isn’t for me.

But the truth is that what you’re doing just isn’t for everybody.

And it’s very likely that the people who are telling you that this just isn’t for you are part of that group of “everybodies”.

When I started writing a few years ago quite a few English native speakers told me that I should stop writing because my English was so bad.

And they were probably right.

But it didn’t matter.

They were part of the “everybodies”.

So I kept writing.

And over the years I’ve found a few “somebodies” that enjoy my work.

Despite or maybe especially because it’s not perfect.

So instead of telling yourself that story that this just isn’t for you, tell those people that what you’re doing, that what you’re creating probably just isn’t for them.

No matter what you’re doing, no matter what you’re putting out there or what you’re creating there will always be some people out there waiting for you.

The really hard part is to not give up, to push hard and long enough and to be patient enough to find them.

It’s just like they say.

One man’s trash can be another man’s treasure…

Originally published at yanngirard.typepad.com.

