Urgent work

Yann Girard
Thought Pills
Published in
1 min readApr 30, 2019

The problem about urgent work is that it’s urgent.

That it needs to get done.

Right now.

As fast as possible.

And the even bigger problem is that almost everything these days is urgent.

That email.

That phone call.

That memo.

That meeting.

The angry customer…

What all of this urgent work does is that it leaves us exhausted with no time and energy for the important work.

Whatever your important work might look like…

Our days are filled with emergencies and urgent work.

Unfortunately, the really important work is never urgent.

Because it doesn’t have a clear deadline.

That’s why we have so much trouble starting it, doing it and ultimately finishing it.

Important work is never urgent.

Until it is…

[Related: Get one thought pill a day (and my free e-book that was read 60,000+ times) straight to your email. Click here!]

Originally published at https://yanngirard.typepad.com.

