3 Empowering Ways I Boost My Confidence When I Hit Rock Bottom

How I get back up when life knocks me down

Jane Anne
Thought Thinkers
Published in
3 min readSep 21, 2023


Photo by Samson Katt:

I’m not immune to life’s tough moments. I experience life on a spectrum of highs and lows, like everyone else.

I go through gray and off days where it feels like someone stole my precious life force and fed me sour grapes instead. Days when I take stock of my creative endeavors and it feels like they’ve yielded absolutely nothing.

But those days never last. I don’t let them get past the gates of my sanity before I pull back and reassess my feelings, using empowering beliefs to counter each of my negative triggers and boost my confidence.

— 3 empowering ways I boost my self-confidence:

1. Gratitude

The universe is always listening. I also believe my words wield power.

Instead of tearing down my efforts and nitpicking every aspect of my art that doesn’t measure up to expectation, I choose to show gratitude for the back-breaking efforts I have poured into my creative journey.

Showing gratitude, celebrating my small wins, and counting my blessings reignites my self-confidence and helps me get back up when life knocks the light…



Jane Anne
Thought Thinkers

Juggling a 9–5 & Writing -> I help busy writers balance life-work-and making art, overcome overwhelm, create consistently & thrive ->