3 Smart Ways To Accomplish More With Your Life

#1. Clear your mess if you want to achieve more with your life

Basina Suraj
Thought Thinkers
5 min readSep 10, 2023


Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

There is a tangible reason your life is not turning out the way you thought it would.

Because I know how it feels when you try so hard and still find no breakthrough with your efforts. That feeling is stressful and depressing.

But if you are not achieving the intended outcomes, there is an obvious hint that your approach to the life you seek can be improved.

It is a sign that you are not trying hard enough or your efforts have fallen short.

You can’t do the same thing over and over and expect a different outcome. That’s not a smart approach to your personal development.

The bad news is that you risk aggravating the situation if you don’t act quickly to reverse it.

But, if you are serious about altering the fortunes of your life, the following steps will guide you.

1. Clear your Mess first

We all have our vices. Don’t we? We have all had our fair share of troubles with laziness, alcohol, drugs, and self-doubts.

Nobody is perfect. This should be your mantra and starting point if you want to see a major transformation in the life you are living now.

You must accept your present self first before you even think about making adjustments to alter your bad habits.

There’s nothing shameful about it. We all have that mountain of mess we need to clear to pave the way for our new selves.

It is a solitary journey you must embark on to rediscover yourself and experience a fresh wave of life-changing growth.

Look at me. Before the start of the year, I was caught in a web of low self-esteem, laziness, and procrastination.

I read nothing, wrote nothing, and always felt exhausted.

Fast-forward to this year, I was determined to change this horrible lifestyle for something worthwhile. So, I began believing in myself and my capabilities.

The results have been amazing.

If for nothing at all, I have garnered over 200 followers on Medium as I type now.

Most importantly, I have improved my writing to a certain degree. A milestone I am very proud of.

You cannot earn 2 million dollars with a 50-dollar mindset. It doesn’t happen and goes contrary to the laws of wealth creation.

You need a complete shift in your thought process and the way you see success.

So, get rid of your mess and you will figure out the missing pieces.

2. Don’t waste your time

The results we get are a direct reflection of what we use our time for. Unfortunately, we spend much of our time on trivial and peripheral issues.

These unnecessary activities add zero return to our transformation.

These days, it is easy to get yourself distracted from your goals anytime boredom sets in.

I get it. It’s a millennial’s problem. But don’t let that stupid excuse ruin your future.

We scroll on social media for a peaceful escape and destroy our potential.

Watching polarizing and divisive political shows about the role of the government.

Consuming self-help content without stepping out there and acting on it.

But instead of wasting our time and watching our potential get eaten away, we can do this instead.

If you are serious about altering the fortunes of your life, the following steps come in handy.

Set a time management plan

Put your most important tasks first on your plan.

Set aside specific times for deep work and entertainment.

To avoid sneaking back into a social media frenzy, always keep your phone away when working on your task.

Take action often.

You can be the most talented and knowledgeable person the world has ever seen, but without action, you will be nothing.

Put your knowledge into practice. Solve problems with the information you have.

That is how you can improve the results you are witnessing.

Seek meaningful information. Read books that add value to you instead of sitting on your couch binge-watching soap operas.

These habits will drive you towards your ambitions faster than you would ever imagine.

3. Embrace self-promotion

This is something I have second thoughts about, but a very potent personal growth strategy.

Picture it this way: You are in the business of selling sneakers. You have the latest Nike sneakers in stock, but unfortunately, your store is located in the dark and empty part of your neighborhood.

If your location is hard to find, the marketing of your beautiful shoes will suffer.

A good marketing strategy is necessary for a product to sell, even if it’s perfect.

That is how self-promotion works. To experience the results we seek, we have to package, advertise, and sell our expertise and skills to the world. You need to market yourself.

Your talents and skills are worthless if no one sees you, even if you’re a gem sparkling in your corner. That is a great disservice to you and your community.

One way to promote yourself effectively without stress is through social media. It is a fertile ground for self-promotion.

I share my work through Twitter and Medium groups on Facebook most of the time.

Platforms like Medium provide a stage for us to display what we can offer to our community and the world.

Not only can we easily communicate our message, but we can also establish meaningful connections with clients and friends.

So keep promoting yourself, and remarkable results will soon follow.

This sucks and sounds horrible to most of us, but it has to be you. Yes, sometimes you have to blow your own trumpet.

I sometimes feel hesitant to share what I write here on Medium. Yet I do it anyway.

Nobody will notice you until you carry that uneasy burden of showing yourself to the outside world.

Now you know what to do. If you are not getting the most out of your life, then this is the perfect opportunity to fix your challenges.

Sit back and reflect on the life you are living. You can accomplish a lot with your life by making good use of your time and putting yourself out there.

Fix your mess and you will be amazed at how that can transform your life.



Basina Suraj
Thought Thinkers

Inspiring you through my Productivity and Self Improvement tips one story at a time.