9 Free Apps To Change Your Life

This is how you get free, buy your time back, work less, and enjoy the magic of your phone

Thought Thinkers


Did you know that the average person spends over 3 hours a day on their smartphone? Shocking, right?

Now, what if I told you that those hours could be spent shaping a better you, rather than mindlessly scrolling through the same apps?

Let’s ponder for a moment on a quote by Steve Jobs,

“Technology is nothing. What’s important is that you have faith in people, that they’re basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they’ll do wonderful things with them.”

We live in a world overflowing with apps designed to waste our time, but what if we shifted our focus to ones that elevate our lives?

From refining skills to nurturing mental health, the power to change is right at your fingertips.

*Disclaimer; - Please note that some of the links are my affiliate links. Everything I share comes from my own experiences, and I hope it might be useful to you too. If you decide to try some apps through my link, I might get a little thank-you commission (at no extra cost to you). This helps me continue bringing you stories without putting them behind a paywall. Rest assured, I only recommend products I've personally used and stand behind. Thanks for your support :))*

Now, some might say, “All apps are just distractions,” but I challenge that misconception.

With the right set of tools, you can transform your device from a mere distraction into a catalyst for growth.

Curious about which apps can truly make a dent?

Let’s dive in.

I — Sunsama

Engaging overview of top 9 life-changing apps 2023, including Sunsama, Duolingo, Mimo, Forest, RescueTime, Binance Academy, MyFitnessPal, Pocket, and Calm; expert author insights on essential digital tools by Zohvib

Did you know that the average person has around 70,000 thoughts a day?

Now, try fitting those thoughts into a daily planner and see where you end up. Overwhelmed yet?

Here’s where Sunsama comes to the rescue.

Albert Einstein once said,

“Out of clutter, find simplicity.”

Sunsama embodies this principle.

Sunsama became more than a task manager; it became my sanity in the midst of deadlines and creativity blocks. it’s my personal assistant, decluttering guru, and peace of mind all in one sleek package.

Being in the content world, I’ve always had to weave between articles drafts, tweets, and client meetings.

This was a maze of calendars, reminders, and, to be honest, a dozen forgotten sticky notes. Enter Sunsama — a one-stop solution that brought a sense of calm to my otherwise chaotic professional life.

One particular week, I was working on an extensive self-help article, had to draft a series of tweets, and engage in a threaded discussion for a client.

Pre-Sunsama, I’d be surrounded by a storm of reminders, risking missing out on an important engagement or even my niece’s piano recital.

But with Sunsama, everything got housed under one digital roof. It was like turning on a light in a previously dark room.

Wanna use Sunsama? Here’s how…

  • The Ritual of Review — Every morning, with my coffee in hand, I spend ten minutes reviewing my Sunsama tasks. It’s become a ritual that not only organizes my day but also mentally preps me for what’s ahead.
  • Tweaking to Taste — Sunsama is versatile. Given that I work across various platforms, I found its Trello board integration particularly useful for planning out content.
  • Daily Reflection — Spend five minutes at the start or end of your day to review and adjust your Sunsama tasks. This ritual ensures nothing slips through the cracks.
  • Customize — Sunsama offers various integrations. Experiment to see which ones resonate with your workflow. Perhaps it’s the Trello board for projects or the Notion for personal commitments.

In the words of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry,

“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”

Sunsama guides you toward that pristine state of organization.

It simplified my life, allowing me to focus on enhancing the quality of my articles. Ready to shift from chaos to clarity?

Sunsama might just be your game-changer, as it was for me.

Try Sunsama free, absolutely free

II — Duolingo

Engaging overview of top 9 life-changing apps 2023, including Sunsama, Duolingo, Mimo, Forest, RescueTime, Binance Academy, MyFitnessPal, Pocket, and Calm; expert author insights on essential digital tools by Zohvib
(Credit for the image goes to Duolingo. I’m sharing it to help give you a clearer picture)

Have you ever found yourself fantasizing about speaking fluent French while meandering through Paris or conversing in Spanish while dancing in Barcelona’s streets?

It’s a dream many hold, but here’s a startling realization; a vast majority of people never take the leap to learn a second language. Duolingo, however, aims to bridge that gap.

Nelson Mandela beautifully articulated,

“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.”

Duolingo turns this profound connection into an attainable goal.

Gone are the days of drab textbooks and rote learning; Duolingo introduces a world where language learning feels like a captivating game.

Imagine the possibilities. A business professional can expand their network globally, an artist can draw inspiration from diverse cultures, and a traveler can immerse more deeply into foreign lands.

All of this is thanks to the vibrant and interactive modules Duolingo offers.

In the wise words of Victor Hugo, “To learn to read is to light a fire.” Duolingo is that spark, setting aflame the passion for languages.

If there’s a linguistic adventure you’ve been postponing, perhaps now’s the time to embark on it.

After all, the world becomes a little smaller when you speak its languages.

III — Mimo

Engaging overview of top 9 life-changing apps 2023, including Sunsama, Duolingo, Mimo, Forest, RescueTime, Binance Academy, MyFitnessPal, Pocket, and Calm; expert author insights on essential digital tools by Zohvib
(Credit for the image goes to Mimo)

Ever wondered how the digital world ticks behind those sleek interfaces and vibrant graphics?

Surprisingly, over 60% of adults wish they knew coding but think it’s too late or too complicated to dive in. This is where Mimo enters the narrative.

Paul Graham once remarked,

“Code is like humor. When you have to explain it, it’s bad.”

Mimo embodies this sentiment, making coding as engaging as reading a thrilling novel.

Imagine journeying through the realms of Python, JavaScript, or even blockchain without the hefty textbooks or tedious lectures.

Mimo achieves just that — turning the complex into the comprehensible.

Let’s envision Anna, a graphic designer keen on adding a new skill to her repertoire. Before Mimo, she’d get bogged down by online tutorials, confused by jargon-heavy explanations.

With Mimo, she’s crafting her own website, understanding the mechanics behind her designs. It’s not just learning; it’s experiencing the magic of creation.

Mimo stands as a testament to Edsger W. Dijkstra’s words: “Simplicity is a prerequisite for reliability.”

By simplifying the intricate art of coding, Mimo invites everyone, regardless of background or age, into the digital playground.

So, whether you’re aiming to pivot your career or just satiate a curious mind, Mimo could be your golden ticket into the world of coding.

IV — Forest

Engaging overview of top 9 life-changing apps 2023, including Sunsama, Duolingo, Mimo, Forest, RescueTime, Binance Academy, MyFitnessPal, Pocket, and Calm; expert author insights on essential digital tools by Zohvib
(Credit for the image goes to Forest)

Ever caught yourself reaching for your phone when you should be focusing on a task?

A startling fact — the average individual checks their phone a whopping 96 times a day! That’s nearly once every 10 minutes.

In an age where distraction is the norm, how do we reclaim our concentration?

Famed poet Robert Frost once said,

In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life — it goes on.”

But, should it go on with us being slaves to our screens? Enter Forest, an ingenious app designed to nurture our focus by gamifying productivity.

Imagine planting a virtual tree when you begin a task. As you remain undistracted, the tree grows, eventually flourishing into a verdant symbol of your dedication.

But, if you yield to the allure of your notifications, the tree withers. A simple, yet powerful representation of your focus.

Take Mark, a college student grappling with endless lectures and assignments.

Before Forest, his study sessions were interrupted by sporadic bursts of social media checks, making a 2-hour study plan stretch into 4.

With Forest, each study session became a challenge, a playful game where he nurtured trees, building his very own digital forest.

Over time, his grades improved, but more crucially, he learned the art of unwavering focus in a world teeming with distractions.

Forest isn’t merely about productivity; it’s a journey, teaching us the essence of attention in an age of constant digital beckoning.

Are you ready to cultivate your own forest of focus?

V — RescueTime

Engaging overview of top 9 life-changing apps 2023, including Sunsama, Duolingo, Mimo, Forest, RescueTime, Binance Academy, MyFitnessPal, Pocket, and Calm; expert author insights on essential digital tools by Zohvib
(Credit for the image goes to RescueTime)

Ever felt that sinking feeling at the end of a day, wondering where all your time went?

Here’s a jolting revelation; On average, people spend more than 5 hours a day on their digital devices, often unaware of how this time is truly distributed.

In our digitized age, can we genuinely account for our online hours?

Benjamin Franklin wisely said,

“Lost time is never found again.”

It’s this very sentiment that RescueTime seeks to address, providing a mirror to our digital habits and nudging us towards a more conscious online existence.

At its core, RescueTime runs discreetly in the background, tracking app usage and online activity. By the end of the week, you’re handed a report, a clear snapshot of your digital life.

The findings? Often revelatory.

  • Digital Insights — Discover you’ve been spending 3 hours a week on news websites.
  • Productivity Pulse — Realize that your most productive hours are between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.
  • Distraction Metrics — Spot that you tend to drift to social media sites post-lunch.

Consider Lisa, a remote worker juggling multiple projects. Without a tool like RescueTime, she’d feel productive but often end her week with significant tasks untouched.

Upon using RescueTime, she discerns that her mid-afternoon slump leads her to spend over an hour on entertainment sites daily.

Armed with this insight, she swaps her break with a short walk, returning to her desk rejuvenated and ready to tackle the rest of the day.

RescueTime isn’t just about tracking; it’s about understanding and optimizing.

In an era where screens dominate, are you ready to take charge and ensure your digital hours truly align with your priorities?

VI — Binance Academy

Engaging overview of top 9 life-changing apps 2023, including Sunsama, Duolingo, Mimo, Forest, RescueTime, Binance Academy, MyFitnessPal, Pocket, and Calm; expert author insights on essential digital tools by Zohvib
(Credit for the image goes to Binance)

Did you know that by 2021, over 5,000 different cryptocurrencies were swirling around the digital market? With such a vast expanse, how does one not drown in information overload?

Warren Buffett once wisely said,

Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.”

Binance Academy is the beacon in the stormy sea of cryptocurrency, ensuring you’re not navigating these waters blindly.

Imagine Sam, intrigued by the buzz around Bitcoin and Ethereum but bamboozled by the maze of jargon.

Before Binance Academy, he’d be lost in a web of fragmented blogs.

With Binance Academy, he’s led on a clear, concise journey from blockchain basics to the nuances of crypto trading.

In the ever-shifting sands of digital finance, Binance Academy stands as the guide. Ready to be enlightened in the world of crypto?

Binance Academy awaits.

VII — MyFitnessPal

Engaging overview of top 9 life-changing apps 2023, including Sunsama, Duolingo, Mimo, Forest, RescueTime, Binance Academy, MyFitnessPal, Pocket, and Calm; expert author insights on essential digital tools by Zohvib
(Credit for the image goes to MyFitnessPal)

Have you ever paused to consider this alarming statistic? A staggering 40% of adults globally do not meet the recommended physical activity levels.

In this age of sedentary lifestyles and ubiquitous fast food, how do we track and maintain our health goals?

Aptly, Jim Rohn once said,

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”

This insight underscores the mission of MyFitnessPal, an app designed to help you monitor your health in the palm of your hand.

Picture this; Jane, a busy urbanite, loves indulging in culinary delights but often loses track of her calorie intake. This oversight often leaves her feeling sluggish by week’s end.

Enter MyFitnessPal. Instead of tediously jotting down every meal component, she quickly logs her meals in the app, gaining instant insights into her nutritional intake.

She discovers that her beloved morning latte packs more calories than she assumed.

With the app’s help, she tweaks her daily habits, swapping her latte for a green tea some days, ensuring she strikes a balance.

MyFitnessPal isn’t just about calorie counting. It provides a holistic view of one’s health, from nutrient breakdowns to monitoring water intake.

It’s like having a nutritionist in your pocket, guiding your choices without being overly prescriptive.

In this busy world, as we juggle countless tasks, isn’t it time we equip ourselves with tools that ensure our well-being remains a top priority?

With MyFitnessPal, a healthier you is just a few taps away.

VIII — Pocket

Engaging overview of top 9 life-changing apps 2023, including Sunsama, Duolingo, Mimo, Forest, RescueTime, Binance Academy, MyFitnessPal, Pocket, and Calm; expert author insights on essential digital tools by Zohvib
(Credit for the image goes to Pocket)

Did you know that the average person consumes over 100,000 digital words daily? With a constant deluge of content, how does one filter through the noise and save the golden nuggets for later?

The prolific author Stephen King once remarked,

“Books are a uniquely portable magic.”

Taking a leaf out of this sentiment, Pocket turns your digital reading into its own kind of magic, allowing you to carry articles, videos, and stories with you, wherever you go.

Consider Alex, an avid reader who stumbles upon intriguing articles during his rushed morning commutes. Before Pocket, he’d often lose the link or forget about it amid the chaos of his day.

With Pocket, as soon as he spots a compelling headline or an in-depth analysis piece, he simply “pockets” it.

During his evening unwind or weekend leisure, he dives into his saved treasures, reading at his own pace, sans distractions.

Pocket isn’t just a bookmarking tool. It’s an oasis in the sprawling digital desert, ensuring that meaningful content doesn’t get lost in the daily shuffle.

In an era bursting with fleeting information, isn’t it wonderful to have a sanctuary where worthy reads await? Dive into the world with Pocket, where quality content is always within reach.

IX — Calm

Engaging overview of top 9 life-changing apps 2023, including Sunsama, Duolingo, Mimo, Forest, RescueTime, Binance Academy, MyFitnessPal, Pocket, and Calm; expert author insights on essential digital tools by Zohvib
(Credit for the image goes to Calm)

Ever grappled with this unsettling fact? The World Health Organization has identified stress as the “health epidemic of the 21st century.”

In an age where hustle culture and 24/7 connectivity reign supreme, how do we find our sanctuary of serenity?

Mahatma Gandhi insightfully noted,

“There is more to life than simply increasing its speed.”

Calm is the embodiment of this philosophy, offering an oasis in our hyperconnected world.

The app’s mission is to promote peace, calm, and relaxation through its various features.

One of the benefits of using Calm creatively is that it can be customized to fit the specific needs and preferences of each individual user.

For example, users can choose from a variety of guided meditations and breathing exercises, each focusing on a different aspect of mindfulness, such as reducing anxiety or improving sleep.

Additionally, the app also offers sleep stories, which are narrated bedtime stories designed to help users fall asleep more easily.

Calm has the ability to help users cultivate mindfulness and reduce stress, Calm truly represents a modern-day remedy for the fast-paced and often stressful world we live in.

I think you should give it a shot!

Bottom line:

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the plethora of apps can feel overwhelming.

Yet, among the multitude, there are those few gems that rise above the rest, promising more than just utility — they offer transformation.

From honing a new skill to reclaiming moments of serenity in our bustling lives, these nine apps stand as beacons. They challenge the status quo, urging us to live smarter, not harder.

In the end, isn’t that the essence of progress? To find tools that not only integrate seamlessly into our routines but uplift and redefine our very experience of life.

So, are you ready to embark on this transformative journey?

The tools are at your fingertips; the choice is yours.

Dive in, and let the metamorphosis begin.

*Disclaimer;I’ve teamed up with Sunsama. While I chat about various apps, my connection is only with Sunsama. Everything I share comes from my own experiences, and I hope it might be useful to you too. I’ve genuinely benefited from Sunsama, so much so that I became a partner. If you decide to try it out through my link, I might get a little thank-you commission (at no extra cost to you).

Try Sunsama free, absolutely free



Thought Thinkers

1.5M+ reads online • Personal coaching & more stuff → bento.me/zohvib