Aden Curtis Profile

Aden Curtis
Thought Thinkers
Published in
Oct 27, 2022
We tell ourselves stories in order to live…
Original image by 20572 via Pixabay (license) — modified by Aden Curtis

Quickly becoming an old codger, not willingly, but it can’t be stopped…

I retired from my chosen professional career in 2009 to find that this ongoing mind of mine would not allow me to remain idle.

I immediately became an Internet Marketer, changing business models multiple times. Blogging was good, as was content curation. At last count, 900 posts had been created (all self-published).

Health issues forced a final decision on the business model: writing is a must.

Life forced another decision after becoming a caregiver: writing without deadlines! Self-publishing confirmed.

And that’s where my ongoing mind has guided me. Expect a multitude of topics: I’ve demonstrated for over fifty years that no single niche choice will satisfy me during my last hurrah!



Aden Curtis
Thought Thinkers

theOngoingMind: An outspoken introvert, yet most remains unspoken… creating musings straight from a cluttered, ongoing mind! Lifelong learner. Creative.