An Engraved Tale of Love and Discovery

Discoveries, friendships, and legends at the summit of the mountains

Devalère T KAMGUIA
Thought Thinkers
4 min readAug 21, 2023


Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash

Once upon a time, in a small village surrounded by mountains, there lived a young artist by the name of Alexander. One day, while strolling through the forest in search of inspiration, he had an unexpected encounter with a mysterious traveler named Lena. Their initial exchange was simple, but something in their conversation had ignited a spark between them.

As the days went by, Alexander and Lena continued to cross paths, sharing laughter, stories, and moments of contemplation in the face of nature’s beauty. Little by little, their bond grew stronger, and they discovered a shared passion for adventure and discovery.

One morning, Lena proposed a daring idea: to explore the mountains surrounding the village together, in search of hidden treasures and breathtaking scenery. Alexander, though slightly hesitant, enthusiastically agreed. Their journey began, and each step brought them closer together.

As Alexander and Lena climbed a particularly steep rock face, they came across a smooth, flat stone that seemed to be waiting to be carved. Lena suggested that it would be a unique idea to leave a mark on their adventure by carving their names into the stone. Carefully, Alexander took out his knife and began to carve the letters “Lena” into the rock, closely followed by the letters “Alexander”.

The result was magnificent, and the engraved stone seemed to glow in the sunlight. Lena smiled and said, “Now, wherever we are, a part of us will remain here, in these mountains, forever”. They took a photo of their work, creating a tangible reminder of their bond, then continued on their way.

They faced challenges and obstacles, but their determination and growing friendship guided them through the difficult times. Finally, at the summit of the highest mountain, they were rewarded with the most setting, painting the sky in golden hues, and a deep peace seized their hearts.

Photo by Sara Dubler on Unsplash

After a few hours, they decided to turn back. As they approached the stone where their names had originally been engraved, Alexander chose to re-engrave “LENA” this time with the letters arranged vertically. Lena then asked about the reason behind this new engraving and the significance of this arrangement. The young man responded by explaining that it was a poem formed from the letters of his beautiful first name. He added that, once back in the village, she would discover the poem’s meaning. Together, they took another photograph of the engraving.

Back in the village, the two adventurers shared their experience with the locals, showing the photo of the engraved stone. It was at his point that Lena asked what the squared “Lena” actually represented, and Alexander replied: L.E.N.A

🌟Lively encounters spark the flame,🌟

💕 Eternal bond, no two hearts the same.💕

🚀 Nurtured by fate, they ventured on, 🚀

🌱 A love story like the breaking dawn.🌱

🌠 Lena and Alexander, a tale untold, 🌠

🌅 Endless adventures, a treasure to behold.🌅

🌄 Navigating life’s uncharted sea? 🌄

🌈 A love so true, forever free. 🌈

Intrigued and touched by this mark of their adventure, the villagers began to take to the mountain trails in search of the famous stone. Soon, the engraved stone became an emblematic reference for the village, a symbol of the importance of unexpected encounters and the adventures that follow.

The villagers loved to gather around the stone to hell the story of Alexander and Lena, with details that seemed to grow with eyes, dreaming of their adventures to come. The story of the engraving on the stone became a tradition, a story that never ended, evoking the spirit of discovery and friendship that united the village.

As the seasons passed, more and more people visited the engraved stone, sometimes leaving their mark or simply taking a moment to contemplate the majestic landscape. Alexander and Lena had become local legends, but for them, the real treasure was the bond they had created and shared with their village, a bond that grew stronger every time someone shared their story.

So the simple meeting between Alexander and Lena had not only given birth to a great adventure, but it had also left a lasting imprint on the hearts and minds of all those who heard their story. Living proof that letting happen naturally can lead to experiences that transcend time and leave an indelible mark.

Author’s note:

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Devalère T KAMGUIA
Thought Thinkers

I'm a full-stack developer with 7+ years of experience. Technologie Angular, VueJS, Java, J2ee, Spring, Sprint Boot, Sprint Batch, Ionic, flutter, PHP, Symfony.