Are You Hiding Your Light?

To make a significant impact, you must let your light shine.

Doosuur Gum
Thought Thinkers


Photo by Vladimir Fedotov on Unsplash

Hiding in the background is my superpower. It’s where I always want to be. Like a pretty wallpaper is comfortable as a backdrop, I never wished to be in the spotlight, engage in conversation, or make myself seen. Not having what to say isn’t the issue, it’s the attention that comes with it that kept me hidden.

Getting noticed means with time, I would get asked to take up roles that require being in the spotlight. I thought I was doing myself a favour by refraining from participating in gatherings — instead, I wasn’t growing or adding as much value as I should have. I was hiding my light under a bushel and didn’t even realise it.

How can one have so much to offer yet never let it show because of fear of being in the spotlight? One day, a friend said to me,

‘Doosuur, No one lights a lamp and puts it under a bushel.’

I was taken aback. I’ve heard this a thousand times and read it myself, but this time it hit differently. I pondered this for days and realised that though I improved my skills, I wasn’t making an impact as I should have. How am I to do that if I don't show the world what I’m made of?

After reflecting on my friend’s words, I permitted myself to heal and let my light shine. Here are the deliberate steps I took thereafter.

  • I spoke up when I had something to say.
    When I have something to say, I speak immediately. Doing this has helped me engage in conversation instead of backing out. Guess what? People are interested in what I have to say.
  • I became friendly.
    I smiled often and struck up conversations with strangers. The more I practised, the more effortless it became, and it helped my social circle.
  • I said yes to responsibilities.
    I accepted the team lead position at work and became the delegate between my team and the line manager. This position has also positively influenced how I communicate with people. Accepting these responsibilities is so out of my comfort zone but it’s beautiful watching myself make a difference.

So far, it has not been easy but it’s worth it. I love the little differences I make by letting my light shine. It can work for you as well. Don’t let your mind trick you into thinking you’re okay being a wallpaper. You’re better off when you shine.

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Doosuur Gum
Thought Thinkers

Goal-setting enthusiast | Helping people stay productive | Sharing my growth journey |