ChatGPT (AI) Is The New Buzz: I Don’t Fear As A Writer.

Our writing is not ordinary and this has a proper context.

Mani Pathak
Thought Thinkers
3 min readJan 3, 2023


Photo by Alex Knight on Unsplash

We have Good reasons to stay calm and focused on creating great content at Medium and elsewhere.

When I open YouTube, medium occasionally, many content creators are pretty happy or unpleased with it.

It’s a head-tail toss and everyone is writing the way that they see the uses of this new-generation tool.

AI significantly affects diverse areas of health, business, decision-making, and medicine.

Elon Musk lately revealed Quantum AI Software, a quantum computing-based AI bot for trading and predictions in the stock market.

Don’t you think that it will be a game of wealthy to control the entire market if the highly expensive AI starts to dictate the market strategies?

Well, that's just a perspective that may or may not be true as of now.

This can lead to inequality and poor living standards for nearly 7.8 billion of the world population and a handful of people will have no competition.

Dark Side Of AI:

We can consider a few aspects that might endanger people.

  1. Ethical concerns- Bots spin the original content (Stories) in a way that could be hard to detect even using pilgrim's tools.
  2. Lack of accountability- We take ownership of our decision and that makes a better day by day. AI analyses huge data to take calculated risks, and decisions that failed. It could be like Thanos's snap.
  3. Certainly, it will replace the writer's work to some extent.

Good Side Of AI:

I can be a vital virtual assistant for humans.

  1. We can use it to avoid writer's block while writing. I can suggest new ideas in no time.
  2. Social media posts, Youtube descriptions, and similar content could be written using AI that has a lesser impact on SEO and has nothing to do with ranking in Google.
  3. It provides generalized ideas not the specific use case that can help you make a good story. That means, there is room for human writers.
Photo by Elijah Hiett on Unsplash

Certainly, AI is only seeing the world that is there on the internet, not the whole thing that we have seen and experienced yet.

I can say for sure, AI is going to be good too but It will never replace the entire legacy and generation of Human writers.

When we write, we don’t just write. But we feel, justify and express human emotions that is for humans again not for bot.

That’s valuable.

I will love to hear from you too. Please share your opinion.

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Thanks for your valuable time.



Mani Pathak
Thought Thinkers

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