Death By EMP

Thought Thinkers
Published in
5 min readJan 29, 2024
Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Our world faces a myriad of threats that demand constant vigilance and preparedness — from the specter of terrorist attacks to pandemics to extreme weather events. However, amidst these concerns, one particular threat often slips through the cracks: the potential for an electromagnetic pulse (“EMP”) event.

An EMP can be triggered by various means. For example, it could be triggered by a missile, nuclear weapon, radio frequency weapon, or a geomagnetic storm caused by the sun. However, whether natural or man-made, the fallout from an EMP event would undoubtedly carry with it significant consequences. Consequences such as prolonged power loss, depletion of energy sources, and cascading effects on necessities like food and water, resulting in loss of life.

Critical infrastructure in the U.S., such as the electrical grid, plays a vital role in supporting essential services such as food distribution, water supply, communications, transportation, and emergency services. Damage to the electrical grid during an EMP event could swiftly deprive the supply chain of these fundamental necessities. This would cause unthinkable harm to our nation. With modern society’s heavy reliance on vulnerable technologies, the impact today would be substantial.

Scientists predict solar storms to occur every 100 to 150 years, emphasizing the inevitability of facing this threat. The potential consequences of an event similar to the 1921 solar storm include large-scale and prolonged blackouts affecting millions of people. The estimated cost of damage from extreme solar weather is substantial, with recovery times ranging from 4 to 10 years. The threat of foreign nations deploying a warheads equipped with EMP weapons is also substantial. As will be explored later, this threat may not be inevitable, but is definitely within the realm of possibility.

What would an EMP event look like?

The U.S.’s aging and fragile power grid is a massive vulnerability, making it a prime target for EMP attacks. These devastating assaults can cripple the entire nation in a matter of seconds, plunging our society into darkness and chaos. EMP attacks come in two flavors: targeted strikes aimed at specific military installations like missile bases and carriers, or full-scale assaults impacting both military and civilian infrastructure, paralyzing response and recovery efforts.

In 2008, a congressional EMP Commission estimated that a nationwide blackout would occur. And within 12 months of such a blackout, it is possible that up to 90% of the U.S. population could die from starvation, disease and other effects of a major societal breakdown. The consequences of a successful EMP attack are nothing short of apocalyptic. Imagine weeks without electricity, and the crippling of vital systems such as communication networks, water treatment facilities, and hospitals.

Photo by Sean Lee on Unsplash

The advantage is solely held by the aggressor in such a scenario. An EMP strike would inflict immediate and widespread damage, leaving the U.S. reeling and struggling to respond.

The Department of Defense’s decision to relocate NORAD inside Cheyenne Mountain due to its EMP-hardened structure highlights the importance of safeguarding communication and defense operations during an EMP event. However, there is a lack of sufficient action by the Department of Homeland Security, Congress, and the rest of the federal government in leading efforts to mitigate EMP impact on American citizens.

We need a national strategy, and comprehensive planning scenarios, including those focused on EMP threats. We need legislative efforts, such as the SHIELD Act, to strengthen America’s defenses against EMP attacks. Governments at all levels must focus on protecting their citizenries by investing in the protection of civilian infrastructure.

What are the chances of a foreign nation launching an intentional EMP attack against the U.S.?

No one quite knows the answer to this question, however, the threat is ever-present. The fact that Russia and China are armed with nuclear and EMP weapons looms large as a potential threat to the U.S. All three nations possess enough nuclear weapons to cause unimaginable devastation. The idea of mutually assured destruction preventing nuclear war is no longer a guarantee.

Worryingly, Russian leadership, including President Putin, has openly threatened deploying these weapons. Putin mentioned the potential of using nuclear weapons in defense of Russia’s territorial integrity against NATO forces. Adding to this concern is Russia’s view of EMP (electromagnetic pulse) weapons as being tools of information warfare. Unlike traditional nuclear weapons, EMPs inflict no blast or radiation, but cripple electronics over vast areas. This ambiguity surrounding EMPs within Russia’s military arsenal raises troubling questions about the potential for their use, with less stringent restrictions compared to its existing nuclear arsenal.

Photo by Daniel Klein on Unsplash

Another example of the imminent nature of an EMP threat, is China. Remember when China flew high-altitude balloons over U.S. airspace? Those intelligence collection balloons likely served dual purposes of electronic warfare and reconnaissance. However, there potentially is a more nefarious goal at bay. You guessed it right: exploiting these platforms to deliver EMP and cripple US grid security. While it is unlikely that China would use a balloon to actually deliver the EMP weapon, China was gathering intelligence near crucial U.S. national security centers and infrastructure. Additionally, this coincides with Chinese military researchers making significant advances in developing and testing strategic EMP weapons

Just because Russia and China have emerged as the greatest perceived threats to our country in the past several years, doesn’t mean we should forget about North Korea either. In December 2012, North Korea successfully orbited a satellite, called the KSM-3. The KSM-3 is compatible to handle the size and weight of a small nuclear warhead. The trajectory of the KSM-3 was consistent with the characteristics for the delivery of a surprise EMP attack against the U.S.

Worse yet, not only superpowers like China and Russia with their high-altitude nuclear EMP capabilities pose a threat. Terrorist groups, aided by a state sponsor, could potentially unleash smaller-scale non-nuclear EMP attacks using readily available technology. The ongoing proxy wars throughout the world evidence the reality of this threat — from Saudi Arabia to Iran to Russia.

America’s adversaries are actively developing EMP strategies, with China at the forefront, according to a 2020 report by the EMP Task Force. Their potential use of cyberwarfare and EMP as a combined first-strike surprise attack is a chilling prospect.

The stark reality is that the U.S. power grid, a symbol of modern society, stands as a beacon for those who would exploit its vulnerabilities and plunge the nation into darkness. Investing in grid resilience and robust defense systems is no longer a matter of convenience, but of national survival. Ultimately, you cannot underscore enough the importance of addressing the EMP threat. Both Congress and individual states must take steps to enhance preparedness and protection against the high potential for catastrophic consequences that we face.



Thought Thinkers

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