Do I belong here?

English is not my home

Thought Thinkers
Published in
2 min readJun 19, 2023


Similarly to many medium writers, English it’s not my native language. It is simply the key which unlocks the rest of the world. I write because I know the basics and I want to reach as many people as possible, however I’m not able to feel my words and sometimes I wonder if I’m even reaching anyone.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

My native language is Portuguese and saying that does not transmit my affection towards Portuguese words. Here is the matter: I respect English and recognize the opportunities it brings, but I don’t know how it feels to experience it. I watch movies, read articles and occasionally travel to other countries where I communicate using the language, however my life is in Portuguese. I can taste every word and experience their enormous capacity of changing shape, sometimes being daggers and other times being warm hugs. I love, fail and get hurt in Portuguese. Every word is my friend or enemy, but never an unknown identity. I read something I wrote in my language and can truthfully evaluate if it is able to penetrate people’s hearts or not, because I have a history to tell related to each word. I can flourish and peruse my maximum potential when I express myself in my native tongue.

In contrast, English is a space where I feel insecure and shaky. Everything is new and unsure in my mind. My grammar is most likely incorrect and my vocabulary might make me sound like a ten year old, but that is not what matters to me. In my point of view, the importance of writing is in the message: in the love, anger, fear or awareness I’m trying to stick in the minds of readers. Perhaps my English is broken, but is that enough to stop me for spreading a message ? If the answer is no then my effort is worth it, if not I have to find another way to unlock the rest of the world.

So, do I belong here? Probably not. For me these are not steady grounds. On the other hand, I have the English key in my pocket and it would be foolish not to take it. Besides, I enjoy learning and exploring new challenges. I believe many people in this platform experience this intern battle about if it’s worth it. Personally, I’m going to give it a try and attempt to create an emotional relationship with the words which are half strangers to me right now. I hope I succeed.



Thought Thinkers

Hello there! I’m a girl learning constantly about life. I love the sea, nature, science, travels, writing and knowledge in general.