Dreams ……

Thought Thinkers
Published in
3 min readSep 4, 2022
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I’m not talking about dreams as in your goals, I am talking about the dreams that exist in your subconscious — in your sleep state.

During REM sleep or about 90 minutes after you hit the zzzzz’s is where dream occurs. They say that if you get woken up in REM sleep while your having a dream, you’re more likely to remember it.

So, why do we dream? This was my 6 year old Q.O.D. aka question of the day. She would usually ask me random questions about everything and anything and….. i think she’s way smarter than I was at her age.

I would like to say that dreaming is nothing more that electrical impulses and brain chemicals acting together.

But how can a 6 year your old understand this?

As I rummage though my brain with some elementary level explanation, I was stumped. The best that I can come up with was …..

Dreaming is when our mind shuts off at the end of the day and let our subconscious take the reins. Subconscious as in beyond conscious — where we aren’t in control. Conscious means when you are in control like when you lift your hand when you swat a mosquito.

Why? Asked my 6 year old kid. So, we don’t act out our dream co’z it would be terrible.

I think I just hurt my head thinking about the answer.

So why are we talking about this? There’s a new series on Netflix called the Sandman, King of Dreams and it made me think about grown up questions to ponder. Such as……

  • Why do we dream?
  • Does this have any meaning?
  • What does it teaches us about ourselves?
  • OR does it have any meaning in reality?

Yes, random dreams strikes our mind without any thought of reality. I think this is precisely the point of dreaming. No one really knows why we dream, unless we are hooked up to fMRI as we sleep. All we’ll probably see is a lot of different colors dancing in our brain which means a lot of neurological activities. Although Mr. Freud has some fascinating theories and there’s a lot of scientist who debunked him, he is still known to many. He believed that dreams where the key to unlocking our unconscious by analyzing our dreams.

He also thinks that dreams are a way of solving repressed or unwanted emotions, experiences, and aggressive impulse.

Let’s talk about this for a moment. There are some things that he’s claiming that are out of this world. For example, the pillars of his dream theory is sexual desire in nature. Maybe not all, but some. In reality, there can only be 3 things that makes our world go round — SEX, MONEY, and POWER.

He may be up to something here.

Who remembers the id, ego, and the superego with the iceberg metaphor? In psychology, we’ve learned that the ego, is the conscious part; id is the unconscious part and the superego, is our moral compass. All of which act together to make up our personality.

.Marie Comes.

Of course, our dreams weren’t meant to be acted out…. in real life. Our dreams may or may not have meaning in our day to day existence. It may be deep seated or again it may just be …… nothing.

Well, does that mean that I have a lot of same sex partner dream that I am attracted to the same sex? perhaps…

Dreams may tell you something about yourself, but then again…. Before you do something about it, make sure you are sure about the meaning.



Thought Thinkers

Mother, novice writer, gym/health enthusiast, part time vegetarian and a student.